What is the condition of dropping a table?

What is the condition of dropping a table?

Dropping a table invalidates dependent objects and removes object privileges on the table. If you want to re-create the table, then you must regrant object privileges on the table, re-create the indexes, integrity constraints, and triggers for the table, and respecify its storage parameters.

Does dropping a table delete the data?

DROP will delete all data and the table structure as well. DELETE will delete the data but the table structure will remain the same and we can still rollback the data. Also with DELETE you can use the where condition i.e. to delete only certain records.

What happens to trigger when table is dropped?

Dropping a table removes the table definition from the data dictionary. All rows of the table are no longer accessible. All indexes and triggers associated with a table are dropped. All views and PL/SQL program units dependent on a dropped table remain, yet become invalid (not usable).

Can you drop a table in a view?

You can add WITH SCHEMABINDING to the definition of your view so you can not drop based table. Any view or stored procedure that references the dropped table must be explicitly dropped by using DROP VIEW or DROP PROCEDURE.

What will happen when the following statement is executed drop table Table_name?

It completely removes the table structure and associated indexes, statistics, permissions, triggers and constraints. You might have SQL Views and Stored procedures referencing to the SQL table. SQL Server does not remove these stored procedures and views.

Can we delete a table using delete command?

The drop table command is used to delete a table and all rows in the table. To delete an entire table including all of its rows, issue the drop table command followed by the tablename. drop table is different from deleting all of the records in the table.

Which is better TRUNCATE or DELETE?

Truncate removes all records and doesn’t fire triggers. Truncate is faster compared to delete as it makes less use of the transaction log. Truncate is not possible when a table is referenced by a Foreign Key or tables are used in replication or with indexed views.

Are indexes dropped when a table is dropped?

DROP TABLE removes tables from the database. DROP TABLE always removes any indexes, rules, triggers, and constraints that exist for the target table. However, to drop a table that is referenced by a view or a foreign-key constraint of another table, CASCADE must be specified.

How to reduce subscriptiontrackingdeletedobject table in Dynamics 365?

With a very active Marketing automation tool interated, we generate a lot of data in Dynamics 365 CE which after defined retention periods needs to be removed. This has caused some side effects, that a table called SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject has become very large.

What is the subscriptiontrackingdeletedobject table in GDPR?

“The SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject table is the table that logs records for number of days before deleting inactive subscriptions as well as timed out deletion services.” I am not sure for which purpose. If it is in regards to GDPR or some restore mechanism.

What happens when you take a tablespace offline?

You can take an online tablespace offline so that it is temporarily unavailable for general use. The rest of the database remains open and available for users to access data. Conversely, you can bring an offline tablespace online to make the schema objects within the tablespace available to database users.