Why use Ola hallengren scripts?

Why use Ola hallengren scripts?

Ola’s script is designed to cover the most common database maintenance tasks, which include: The ability to perform database integrity checks using DBCC CHECKDB, DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP, DBCC CHECKTABLE, DBCC CHECKALLOC and/or DBCC CHECKCATALOG. .

How do I run a SQL maintenance plan?

Run SQL maintenance on demand

  1. Open up SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. In the Object Explorer pane, expand Management.
  3. Expand Maintenance Plans.
  4. Right-click the desired maintenance plan and click Execute.

How do I start a maintenance plan?

How does Ola’s SQL server maintenance solution work?

The jobs created by the Maintenance Solution automatically process all user databases on the server. So be aware of that if databases on your server require different maintenance scenarios. Ola’s SQL Server Maintenance Solution consists of various scripts that create jobs and stored procedures once installed on the SQL Server.

Which is easier to maintain, ola or script?

Maintaining them once in place is just as much of a hassle. A script based solution is much easier to deploy and maintain over time. Ola’s scripts are fairly comprehensive and cover most needs.

Are there any drawbacks to Ola Hallengren’s maintenance solution?

The drawback to this solution is certainly its price. Ola Hallengren’s maintenance solution could be considered a hybrid of these two solutions, as it takes the best perks from both options: it is simple, highly customizable, and it’s free. As it takes many parameters into account, it can be configured to fit most demanding environments.

When to use a SQL server maintenance plan?

After the scripts are thoroughly tested, they often get included in a maintenance plan, or SQL Server agent job to automate their execution. Such solution is usually optimal for some demanding environments like high traffic servers or databases that are still in development.