Is it better to separate a big query into multiple smaller query?

Is it better to separate a big query into multiple smaller query?

In these cases, you can indeed get faster results breaking one extremely complex query into two less complex queries. That said, it’s rare, and I’ll generally write the complex query and find out if there’s a problem rather than breaking the query into smaller chunks pre-emptively.

Is there good way to split a query like this into batches?

It tries to insert over 50,000 rows and it fails because of logging. Is there a good way of splitting a query like this into batches of about 1000 or so with COMMIT statements so that it is not just one big statement?

Why did the below insert query not work?

I have the below INSERT query. It tries to insert over 50,000 rows and it fails because of logging. Is there a good way of splitting a query like this into batches of about 1000 or so with COMMIT statements so that it is not just one big statement?

How is the aggregation table calculated in DBA?

Our DBA than split this big join into 3 smaller joins (each joining 4 tables). The temporary result is saved into a temporary table every time, which is used in the next join. The result of the DBA enhancement is, that the aggregation table is calculated in 15 minutes. I wondered how is that possible.

Can you use T-SQL to delete large amounts of data?

Using T-SQL to insert, update, or delete large amounts of data from a table will results in some unexpected difficulties if you’ve never taken it to task. Let’s say you have a table in which you want to delete millions of records. If the goal was to remove all then we could simply use TRUNCATE.

How to split rows into equal chunks in SQL?

This solves the SQL part, or rather how to group rows into equal chunks, but that is only half your question. The next half is how to write these to 5 separate files. You can either have 5 separate queries each spooling to a separate file, e.g: Or, using UTL_FILE.

How many queries can be spooled into a single file?

You can either have 5 separate queries each spooling to a separate file, e.g: Or, using UTL_FILE. You could try something clever with a single query and have an array of UTL_FILE types where the array index matches the MOD (rn,5) then you wouldn’t need logic like “IF rn = 0 THEN UTL_FILE.WRITELN (f0.”.