Is there a way to pass information onto a delete trigger?

Is there a way to pass information onto a delete trigger?

This allows the INSERT/UPDATE trigger to have access to the field “UpdatedBy” via inserted.UpdatedBy. However, with the Delete trigger no data is inserted/updated. Is there a way to pass information onto the Delete trigger such that it could know who deleted the record? ALTER TRIGGER [dbo]. [trg_MyTable_InsertUpdate] ON [dbo].

How does SQL Server PASS information on who deleted record?

The app should call a “Delete” stored procedure that passes in the UserName (or whatever) that is deleting the record. I assume this is already the model being used since it sounds like you are already tracking Insert and Update operations.

How to create trigger sampletrigger in SQL Server?

Suggestions? CREATE TRIGGER sampleTrigger ON database1.dbo.table1 FOR DELETE AS IF EXISTS (SELECT foo FROM database2.dbo.table2 WHERE id = AND bar = 4) — If there is a row that exists in database2.dbo.table2 — matching the id of the deleted row and bar=4, delete — it as well. — DELETE STATEMENT?

How to track who deletes Records in a table?

In setting up an audit trail I have no problem tracking who is updating or inserting records in a table, however, tracking who deletes records seems more problematic. I can track Inserts/Updates by including in the Insert/Update the field “UpdatedBy”.

Is there a trigger to prevent delete account record?

Doesn’t matter who the user is (Sys Admin/Custom Profile/Read Only…etc), the user should not be able to delete the account record. There cannot be any exception. Any help is appreciate. Thanks! Here is the trigger which will prevent deletion of Account record.

How to write trigger to prevent delete in Salesforce?

Can some one help me to write a trigger to prevent delete of all Account records and its supporting test class. Doesn’t matter who the user is (Sys Admin/Custom Profile/Read Only…etc), the user should not be able to delete the account record. There cannot be any exception.

How to get the name of the impersonated user?

If the parameter contains the word NULL will return NULL.When USER_NAME is called without specifying an id after an EXECUTE AS statement, USER_NAME returns the name of the impersonated user. If a Windows principal accesses the database by way of membership in a group, USER_NAME returns the name of the Windows principal instead of the group.

Is there a way to capture deleted records?

The solution is based on DML triggers, which capture deleted records into separate tables. The reason I utilize DML triggers is in order to be able to keep track of any deletion that can take place through a variety of different end-user applications.