How to check progress of data import in MySQL?

How to check progress of data import in MySQL?

MySQL Workbench shows at least a log for the file it is importing at the moment if you use their import tool (Administration > Import Data) BUT (and it’s a huge but) if you leave the “import progress” screen and try to go back to it later, you won’t be able to do it (if it’s not a bug, it is at least a big usability problem).

How to check the progress of MySQL in MariaDB?

It is possible! By the way, note, that e.g. mytop – monitoring tool from CLI for MySQL and MariaDB has already implemented that function. Progress: The total progress of the process (0-100%) (How to enable that? see Progress Reporting – page of MariaDB manual). This function is introduced from MariaDB 5.3.

How to monitor the progress of an import of a large.sql?

If you’ve already started the import, you can execute this command in another window to see the current size of your databases. This can be helpful if you know the total size of the .sql file you’re importing. The MySQL 8.0 Reference states the following about the accuracy: For MyISAM, DATA_LENGTH is the length of the data file, in bytes.

How to check the progress of ALTER TABLE?

Check the progress of the ALTER TABLE operation by querying the Performance Schema events_stages_current table. The stage event shown differs depending on which ALTER TABLE phase is currently in progress. The WORK_COMPLETED column shows the work completed.

How do I dump MySQL database in Windows?

To dump/export a MySQL database, execute the following command in the Windows command prompt: mysqldump -u username -p dbname > filename.sql. After entering that command you will be prompted for your password

How to calculate a progress bar in MySQL?

Not completely answering your question on progress bar on a c++ program, but you can take this to grab file size of the MYD file created and calculate a progress bar using source file size divided by xfer rate to calculate remaining time. Best Regards. Just created Bash script MySQL / MariaDB Dump Helper inspired by Russell E Glaue and pocheptsov.