Is there any GUI for Cassandra?

Is there any GUI for Cassandra?

This client is intended to be a simple GUI solution to work with cassandra 3. connect to cassandra. load and show tables.

How do I monitor Cassandra performance?

Apache Cassandra performance metrics are accessible using a variety of tools, including the Cassandra utility nodetool, the JConsole application, and JMX- or Metrics-compliant monitoring tools. For details on metrics collection using any of these tools, see Part 2 of this series.

Is Cassandra DB open source?

Apache Cassandra is an open source, distributed NoSQL database that began internally at Facebook and was released as an open-source project in July 2008.

Which of the following utilities can be used to monitor a Cassandra cluster?

To monitor the performance of a Cassandra Cluster, the user first needs to gather the cluster statistics. The user may get these statistics using DataStax tools and Java Console. Cassandra has a number of statistics and operations that can be used to monitor. To do so, user can use JMX.

What is the free GUI tool for Cassandra?

TablePlus offers a modern, native GUI client to develop, manage and maintain multiple Apache Cassandra databases simultaneously on Mac and Windows. It’s native for Mac and Windows. It’s fast, light, and reliable. The UI is well-designed.

Is Cassandra good for aggregation?

In Cassandra, these aggregate functions are pre-defined or in-built functions. Aggregate functions in Cassandra work on a set of rows. Aggregate functions receive values for each row and then return one value for the whole set. To insert the values into table Emp_record used the following CQL query.

Does Facebook still use Cassandra?

Though Facebook has all but abandoned Cassandra, the technology has gone on to power critical web infrastructure at companies like Twitter, Netflix, even Apple. Facebook engineers Avinash Lakshman and Prashant Malik originally built Cassandra to power the engine that let you search your inbox on the social network.

Which is the best open source monitoring tool for Cassandra?

Starting with Opscenter version 6.0, OpsCenter is no longer compatible with Apache Cassandra (the open source version of Cassandra), and is only compatible with Datastax Enterprise Clusters. As an opensource alternative to Opscenter I would suggest as Valerie Parham-Thomson above to use Prometheus as a robust monitoring solution for Cassandra.

Which is the best export tool for Cassandra?

The JMX exporter can export from a wide variety of JVM-based applications, such as Cassandra. To manage repairs (vital to ensure an healthy cluster), as a great alternative to OpsCenter, I suggest using Cassandra Reaper. A tool that makes managing and automating repairs extremely easy and efficient.

What should I take care of for Cassandra monitoring?

The first thing that you should take care of for good Apache Cassandra monitoring are the metrics that the distributed data store is exposing via the JMX interface. There are a lot of metrics exposed in the JMX and having visibility into most of them is a good idea.

Is there an Admin tool for Apache Cassandra?

Yes, you can manage the nodes using DSE Opscentre and it is a free tool provided by datastax. In ops centre, you can know the status of every node and the load, write and read latencies, queries that included allow filtering, and manage schema and other stuff. Yes, you can use DSE Ops center for Apache Cassandra 2.1 and less.