How do I drop a materialized view?

How do I drop a materialized view?

Use the DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW statement to remove an existing materialized view from the database. When you drop a materialized view, Oracle Database does not place it in the recycle bin. Therefore, you cannot subsequently either purge or undrop the materialized view.

How do I drop a materialized view in hive?

Drop a materialized view before performing a DROP TABLE operation on a related table. Hive does not support dropping a table that has a relationship with a materialized view. In this task, you drop a materialized view named mv1 from the my_database database. Drop a materialized view in my_database named mv1 .

How do I drop a materialized view log in Oracle 12c?

To drop a materialized view log, you must have the privileges needed to drop a table. Specify the schema containing the materialized view log and its master table. If you omit schema , then Oracle Database assumes the materialized view log and master table are in your own schema.

Can we create materialized view in Hive?

Materialized views creation The syntax to create a materialized view in Hive is very similar to the CTAS statement syntax, supporting common features such as partition columns, custom storage handler, or passing table properties. CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]

How do I create a materialized view log in Oracle?

Oracle Database creates the materialized view log in the schema of its master table. You cannot create a materialized view log for a table in the schema of the user SYS . Specify the name of the master table for which the materialized view log is to be created.

What happens when you drop a materialized view in Oracle?

Use the DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW statement to remove an existing materialized view from the database. When you drop a materialized view, Oracle Database does not place it in the recycle bin. Therefore, you cannot subsequently either purge or undrop the materialized view.

How to keep materialized view synchronized with master table?

If you want to keep the contents of the materialized view synchronized with those of the master table, Oracle recommends that you manually perform a complete refresh of all materialized views dependent on the table after dropping or truncating a table partition.

Are there restrictions on rescoping ref columns in alter materialized view?

Restrictions on Rescoping REF Columns You can rescope only one REF column or attribute in each ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW statement, and this must be the only clause in this statement. Use the alter_mv_refresh clause to change the default method and mode and the default times for automatic refreshes.

How to enable materialized view for query rewrite?

To enable a materialized view for query rewrite: If all of the master tables in the materialized view are in your schema, you must have the QUERY REWRITE privilege. If any of the master tables are in another schema, you must have the GLOBAL QUERY REWRITE privilege.