How do I load Google Charts on my computer?
After loading the loader, you can call the google.charts.load function one or more times to load packages for particular chart types. The first argument to google.charts.load is the version name or number, as a string. If you specify ‘current’, this causes the latest official release of Google Charts to be loaded.
How to create a Google Chart in Drupal?
Download and install the Charts module. Click Extend. Enable in the Modules page the Charts module and its submodule Google Charts. If you use Composer to manage dependencies, edit “/composer.json” as follows. Run “composer require –prefer-dist composer/installers” to ensure that you have the “composer/installers” package installed.
How does composer work in a PHP project?
Composer allows you to declare the libraries in your PHP projects, automatically load the code of the libraries, create and add necessary files to the PHP projects, and update libraries when they have new versions. If you don’t use Composer, when you work with PHP projects, you will have to deal with many problems in library management.
Where do I run composer on my computer?
You just need to download the Composer-Setup.exe file, and then run it. By default, Composer adds its path to the PATH environment variable of the system so that you can call the composer command from anywhere.
How to create a geo chart from Google Analytics?
These examples are based on using a Google Analytics data source. Example 1: Limit the map display to a specific country (e.g., France). Step 2: Filter the country dimension to only include France. Select the chart, then on the right, use the properties panel to configure the chart options.
How does a geo chart work in data studio?
Geo charts include the first 5000 rows of data, unless otherwise mentioned for a field type. Chart data is sorted in descending order based on the selected metric. Data Studio provides a number of geo functions that can be used to work with and transform geographic information in your data sources.
Where to find Package names for Google Charts?
If you want a different or additional chart type, substitute or add the appropriate package name for corechart above (e.g., {packages: [‘corechart’, ‘table’, ‘sankey’]}. You can find the package name in the ‘Loading’ section of the documentation page for each chart.