How do you change the height of CKEditor react?

How do you change the height of CKEditor react?

CKEditor 5 no longer comes with a configuration setting to change its width but its width can be easily controlled with CSS. Just add it to the style tag. Use max-height and min-height both. Beacuse max-height give scroll bar option after reached maximum mention height.

How to add height in CKEditor?

The CKEDITOR. config. height option sets the height of the editing area with CKEditor 4 content — it does not include the toolbar or the bottom bar. This configuration option accepts an integer (to denote a value in pixels) or any CSS-defined length unit except percent ( % ) values which are not supported.

How do I get the CKEditor value in React?

1 Answer

  1. install ckeditor.
  2. code example (with React hooks) import CKEditor from “@ckeditor/ckeditor5-react”; import ClassicEditor from “@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic”; function Example(){ const [data, setData] = React.

How to set editor height in CKEditor 4?

Editor Height The CKEDITOR.config.height option sets the height of the editing area with CKEditor 4 content — it does not include the toolbar or the bottom bar. This configuration option accepts an integer (to denote a value in pixels) or any CSS-defined length unit except percent (%) values which are not supported.

How does auto grow work in CKEditor 4?

The Auto Grow feature allows the editor to automatically expand and shrink vertically depending on the amount and size of content entered in its editing area. The Editor Resizing Customization article explains a number of options for classic editor resizing, including resizing the editor on the fly.

What should be the width and height of the classic editor?

The width and height of the classic editor can be customized to match its context and predicted usage. By default, the editor width equals the width of its container element in the page, while its height is set to 200 pixels.

How to set the size of the border in CSS?

The CKEDITOR.config.width option sets the outer size of the entire editor interface, including the border. This configuration option accepts an integer (to denote a value in pixels) or any CSS-defined length unit, including percent ( % ).