What is module customization?

What is module customization?

Creation of a new module or change of operation of a standard module is rarely required in Bitrix Framework since the majority of tasks are solved using components and their customization. Attention! Module customization is a modification of the system kernel with all the consequences.

How do I edit a module?

Editing Module Content

  1. Mouse over the Edit button in the module action menu. This displays the editing options that are available to the current user.
  2. Select the Edit option displayed for the module. The name beside the button will change depending on the module. For Example, Edit Content is displayed for the HTML.

What are custom modules Zoho?

Customizing Modules. Modules in Zoho CRM, let you categorize and track various aspects of your business such as Sales, Marketing, Customers, Products, Meetings and the like. Modules in Zoho CRM are represented in the form of tabs such as Leads, Contacts, Deals, Tasks etc.

What are the modules in Zoho?

What is a ‘module’ in Zoho CRM?

  • Modules are categories of data in the CRM.
  • Modules in Zoho CRM let you categorize, track, and maintain data belonging to various aspects of your business.

How do I modify a canvas module?

How do I Create Modules?

  1. From the Course Navigation, click “Modules”.
  2. Click “+Modules” in the top right corner.
  3. Add a name for the module. Select a lock date and prerequisites if applicable. Once your settings are complete, click “Add Module” to finish.

How do you edit a module in canvas?

To edit your Module title

  1. Click on Modules in the Course Navigation menu on the left side of your Canvas course.
  2. Locate the name of the module and click on the Options icon then select Edit.
  3. Edit the module settings you want to change.

How can I create a module in Python?

Some modules are available through the Python Standard Library and are therefore installed with your Python installation. Others can be installed with Python’s package manager pip. Additionally, you can create your own Python modules since modules are comprised of Python .py files.

What’s the best way to design a module?

1. Be clear about the module purposes and aspirations for student participants and communicate these to students. It’s important to have clear, achievable goals or outcomes for your module.

Who is the best person to create a module?

If you are interested in creating a module, please contact Sean Fox (sfox at carleton.edu). The goal of a module is to provide the full range of information that a faculty member needs to successfully implement a teaching method.

How to create a reference page for a module?

A Reference Page: This page lists all references used in the module. If references are web pages or articles that are available online, please create links. For journal articles that require a subscription, link to the free abstract rather than the article itself. Peer Review: Once your module is ready to be published, it will be peer-reviewed.