What is sub band filter?

What is sub band filter?

In signal processing, a filter bank (or filterbank) is an array of bandpass filters that separates the input signal into multiple components, each one carrying a single frequency sub-band of the original signal. The same result can sometimes be achieved by undersampling the bandpass subbands.

What is meant by Sub Band Coding?

In signal processing, sub-band coding (SBC) is any form of transform coding that breaks a signal into a number of different frequency bands, typically by using a fast Fourier transform, and encodes each one independently. This decomposition is often the first step in data compression for audio and video signals.

What is polyphase implementation filter?

Due to the nature of the decimation and interpolation processes, polyphase filter structures can be developed to efficiently implement the decimation and interpolation filters (using fewer number of multiplications and additions). Upsampling by a factor of 2 and a four-tap interpolation filter.

What is the unique character of Sub Band coding?

What’s the difference between a filter bank and undersampling?

The difference is that receivers also down-convert the subbands to a low center frequency that can be re-sampled at a reduced rate. The same result can sometimes be achieved by undersampling the bandpass subbands. Another application of filter banks is signal compression when some frequencies are more important than others.

How is a filter bank used in digital signal processing?

In digital signal processing, the term filter bank is also commonly applied to a bank of receivers. The difference is that receivers also down-convert the subbands to a low center frequency that can be re-sampled at a reduced rate. The same result can sometimes be achieved by undersampling the bandpass subbands.

Which is the process of decomposition performed by the filter bank?

The process of decomposition performed by the filter bank is called analysis (meaning analysis of the signal in terms of its components in each sub-band); the output of analysis is referred to as a subband signal with as many subbands as there are filters in the filter bank.

Which is the best description of a filter bank?

That condition is known as perfect reconstruction . In time–frequency signal processing, a filter bank is a special quadratic time–frequency distribution (TFD) that represents the signal in a joint time–frequency domain.