How do you make a GameObject rotate toward another object?

How do you make a GameObject rotate toward another object?

If you want to use Atan2 you can align the right of the object with the target using:

  1. var lookPos = target. gameobject. transform. position – transform. position;
  2. var angle : float = Mathf. Atan2(lookPos. y, lookPos. x) * Mathf. Rad2Deg;
  3. transform. rotation = Quaternion. AngleAxis(angle, Vector3. forward);

How do you rotate an object to target in unity?

Rotate towards target

  1. var q = Quaternion. LookRotation(target. position – transform. position);
  2. transform. rotation = Quaternion. RotateTowards(transform. rotation, q, speed * Time. deltaTime);

How do I get enemy to look at my player in Unity 3d?

LookAt(Player. transform); to make the enemy look at the player….

  1. public class LookAt : MonoBehaviour.
  2. {
  3. public GameObject target;
  4. public float turnRate;
  5. void Update()
  6. {
  7. Vector3 targetDelta = target. transform. position – transform. position;
  8. float angleToTarget = Vector3. Angle(transform. forward, targetDelta);

How do you smoothly rotate an object in unity?

try this:

  1. public float turnSpeed = 1.0f; //adjust this value to get a faster rotation speed.
  2. float rotation;
  3. if(Input. GetKeyDown (KeyCode. A))
  4. {
  5. rotation = Input. GetAxis (“Horizontal”) * turnSpeed;
  6. transform. Rotate(transform. up, rotation);
  7. }

How do I rotate enemies to my player?

Rotate enemy towards player character

  1. function spawnEnemy() {
  2. var go : GameObject;
  3. seed = Random. Range(1.0, 6.0);
  4. target = GameObject. FindWithTag(“Player”). transform;
  5. if (seed == 1)
  6. go = Instantiate(enemy[0], Vector3(Random. Range(-4, 2), 14, 178), transform. rotation);
  7. go. AddComponent(“Rigidbody”);
  8. go. rigidbody.

How to rotate enemy to face player?

Now the problem i am having is that when the player moves for example from 360 degree target to 1 degree then the enemy rotates the long way round to move to the 1 degree instead of simply adding 1 degree. Any help on how to correct this problem would be welcomed.

How to rotate an object towards the direction?

I’ve tried using Euler angles, and when I press the direction, I call a coroutine that sums the eulerAngle.y of the object till it gets the angle of the direction, but it doesn’t work. I don’t know if there is another approach to use. Here is the code for the coroutine. It starts if a certain key is pressed and if a flag is not activated:

How to rotate an object in unity c #?

First, euler angles aren’t precise, everything gets internal converted to quaternions, second Unity has some smoothing on the default input controls, third, u may know but i dont see it in your example, you need to sue StartCouroutine (“Name”); to use an IEnumerator. Thanks for contributing an answer to Game Development Stack Exchange!

Is the target object in the correct direction?

However when I do run this, the character is not looking in the correct direction at all! The target object belongs in a hierarchy, where it’s position in world space is (150,0,500) Does atan2 somehow behave differently in 3D space vs 2D space?