How big is an empty Unity project?

How big is an empty Unity project?

22.5 MB
Basic size of an empty unity project is 22.5 MB, but when using unity 2018.2 and proper optimization (stripping everything that is not being used) it is 6.5 MB.

How to reduce iOS build size Unity?

Stripping with IL2CPP

  1. Minimize your assets: enable compression.
  2. On Mono, set the iOS Stripping Level to Use micro mscorlib, or on IL2CPP.
  3. Set the script call optimization level to Fast but no exceptions.
  4. Don’t use anything that lives in System.
  5. Remove unnecessary code dependencies.
  6. Set the API Compatibility Level to .

How do I reduce file size in unity?

Using Unity to Reduce Asset Size

  1. Disable Mip Maps. To begin with, ensure that all your sprites which don’t require mip maps have the feature disabled.
  2. Use Spritesheets. Where appropriate take advantage of Unity’s atlas packing.
  3. Use Compression. Many formats support compression in Unity.
  4. Clamp Textures Using Max Size.

Does Unity include unused assets in build?

Unity don’t include unused assets in your build. Only assets that are referenced by a scene (that is included in the build) and all assets from the resources folder are included in the build.

Why are my app icons so big?

Select the gear icon to go to the system settings. Now go to the “Display” settings. Look for “Display Size” or “Screen Zoom.” Slide the dot on the scale at the bottom of the screen to adjust the size.

How do I get rid of unused assets in unity?

select menu/window/delete unused assets/unused by editor. editor lists unused assets from your game. if you do not want to delete it, you can uncheck it. export unused assets by unitypackage.

Does unity compile all assets?

Unity will compile pretty much everything into the build, excepting, of course, scripts and assets in the Editor folder… Stuff inside the Resources folders are also compiled in, but kept separate for runtime loading, same for stuff in the Streaming Assets folder.

Why are my icons so big on my phone?

How big is the unity app for iPhone?

Unity iPhone app size is too big. I built a unity game for iPhone which gave an app size of 288 MB. So tried with an empty unity project. Initially it generated app of size 33 MB. But after googling i could reduce it to 19.2 MB. The changes i made: 1. Release build instead of debug build.

Is the unity FPS count wrong or Am I missing something?

– I think if unity’s FPS counter in the edit was wrong (and wrong by a 20X factor) it would have been noticed earlier! Can someone shed some light on this for me then?

How can I reduce the size of my Unity app?

In XCode the GCC 4.2 Code Generation / Optimisation Level should be Fastest, Smallest (-Os) – Unity3d will do that for your release builds in general. Another point of interest are textures, audio and other resources. If you don’t need iPad resolution you might be able to reduce the size of your images.

What happens in an empty scene in Unity?

With code stripping, the empty scene A Scene contains the environments and menus of your game. Think of each unique Scene file as a unique level. In each Scene, you place your environments, obstacles, and decorations, essentially designing and building your game in pieces.