Which is the best example of 3D graphics in OpenGL?

Which is the best example of 3D graphics in OpenGL?

1. Example 1: 3D Shapes ( OGL01Shape3D.cpp) This example is taken from Nehe OpenGL Tutorial Lesson # 5 (@ http://nehe.gamedev.net/ ), which displays a 3D color-cube and a pyramid. The cube is made of of 6 quads, each having different colors.

When did the OpenGL Win32 tutorial come out?

OpenGL Win32 Tutorial Sample Code Code Samples released by SGI with the OpenGL 1.1 distribution in 1997. These are very useful for beginning OpenGL coding and learning OpenGL program structure. Advanced rendering and later extensions are not covered in these examples. Download All Sample Code as a single Zip file

How is OpenGL treated as a class in Java?

Since OpenGL is normally treated as just a series of external function calls, the Java equivalent has to wrap them up into a class-like structure. In the JOGL world-view, that is a single interface named GL.

How to draw a triangle in OpenGL using GL _ polygon?

Draws only using glColor and glVertex within glBegin and glEnd in the display callback. Uses only the GL_POLYGON drawing mode. Illustrates glClear and glFlush. // of a triangle, whose three vertices are red, green and blue. The program // illustrates viewing with default viewing parameters only. // Clears the current window and draws a triangle.

What kind of object is a color cube in OpenGL?

OpenGL’s object is made up of primitives (such as triangle, quad, polygon, point and line). A primitive is defined via one or more vertices. The color-cube is made up of 6 quads.

What are some examples of primitives in OpenGL?

Defining the Color-cube and Pyramid OpenGL’s object is made up of primitives (such as triangle, quad, polygon, point and line). A primitive is defined via one or more vertices. The color-cube is made up of 6 quads.

How to draw text using only OpenGL methods?

The examples that follow were all tested on Ubuntu 15.10. Because this is a complex problem as discussed previously, most examples are large, and would blow up the 30k char limit of this answer, so just clone the respective Git repositories to compile. They are all fully open source however, so you can just RTFS.

Is it possible to integrate OpenGL and FreeType?

Was a set of examples OpenGL and freetype, but is more or less evolving into a library that does it and exposes a decent API. In any case, it should already be possible to integrate it on your project by copy pasting some source code.