What is the purpose of versioning in ArcSDE?

What is the purpose of versioning in ArcSDE?

It is the basis for multiple users accessing and editing data simultaneously in enterprise ArcSDE geodatabases. Conceptually, a version of the geodatabase represents an alternative, independent, persistent view of the geodatabase.

Why are baselines and versioning important in enterprise architecture?

Baselines and Versioning is an important technique with any model but is particularly important with Enterprise Architecture. A model is used as a representation of reality and attempts to describe the things of the enterprise in a simple, coherent, clear and correct way.

How are versions created in enterprise ArcSDE geodatabase?

Enterprise ArcSDE geodatabases can have many versions. A new version (child version) is created from an existing version (parent version). When a new child version is first created, it is identical to its parent. However, over time, parent and child versions may diverge as changes are made to each version.

What is the promise of modern data architecture?

The availability and growth of real-time data from internal and external sources has pushed business strategists to demand more and faster insight from data. The promise of modern data architecture design is that a well-designed process puts business strategists and technical expertise at the same table.

How does versioning work in ArcGIS for Excel?

When you query or display a dataset in a version, ArcGIS assembles the relevant rows from the original table and the delta tables to present a seamless view of the data for that version. All edits to the feature class or table are recorded in the same delta tables, regardless of the version from which the edits were made.

What makes up a versioned dataset in ArcGIS?

A versioned dataset, therefore, consists of the original table (referred to as the base or business table) plus any changes in the delta tables. The geodatabase keeps track of which version you were connected to when you made the edits that populated the delta tables.

What does a state mean in ArcSDE database?

A state is a unit of change (i.e., an edit) that is performed on data in the geodatabase. It represents a discrete snapshot of the database whenever a change is made. Enterprise ArcSDE geodatabases provide support for many users creating and maintaining large amounts of GIS data in a central location.

Who is the owner of the default version of ArcSDE?

Every enterprise ArcSDE geodatabase has a default version named DEFAULT that is owned by the ArcSDE administrator. The DEFAULT version always exists and cannot be deleted or renamed. It is the root version and, therefore, the ancestor to all other versions in the geodatabase.