What is osmfilter and what does it do?

What is osmfilter and what does it do?

osmfilter is a command line tool used to filter OpenStreetMap data files for specific tags.

Is there a way to filter the OSM XML file?

It has proven useful to filter the OSM XML file before you import it into a PostgreSQL database with osm2pgsql. Although the result will be the same, you can speed-up the import process significantly, in particular because osmfilter is written in C and quite fast.

How to get only nodes with fixme in osmfilter?

To keep just a single object type specify a filter that only matches this, the other types need either be dropped or not matched by specifying an empty filter. To get only nodes with fixme =* use one of the following equivalent forms:

Which is the correct command prompt query for osmfilter?

I composed the following query for OSMfilter (the chevrons allow to feed multiple lines into the Windows Command Prompt) When I convert/import this file (~ 970 MB) using either osm2pgsql or ogr2ogr, the countries are rendered correctly.

How does the tags filter work in OpenStreetMap?

Tags Filter. Tags filter always refer just to certain tags, they never decide about the existence of whole objects. Use Tags filter to define tags you want to keep in the file or to be excluded.

How to find from and to nodes in OSM?

So you should get familiar with the OSM data model about relations, and by finding speed-camera-nodes, you should be able to find the from-and-to nodes, and the parent ay of these two. Maybe you can use the famous Overpass API or Overpass-turbo where you can create queries for childs and parents of elements and relations.

How is an amenity mapped in OpenStreetMap wiki?

Mapping varies widely depending on feature: As an area, e. g. amenity = pub. If the amenity shares a boundary with a building, both features are mapped on a single area element. Consult the page describing the specific amenity to find out what is the preferred way for your amenity.