How do I publish data to agol?

How do I publish data to agol?

Publish a Google Sheet

  1. Verify that you are signed in and have privileges to publish hosted feature layers.
  2. From the My Content tab of the content page, click New item, and click Google Drive.
  3. Sign in to your account.
  4. Search for or browse to the file you want to publish.
  5. Click the file you want to publish.

How do you edit data in agol?

For instructions on editing tables in Map Viewer Classic, see Edit tables.

  1. Open the map that contains the feature layer you want to edit in Map Viewer Classic, or open the feature layer in a new map.
  2. If necessary, check the box beside the layer you want to edit, and click Edit.
  3. Follow these steps to add a feature:

How do I make an editable layer in agol?

Allow others to edit

  1. Open the details page of the hosted feature layer that you want to allow others to edit.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. Scroll to the Feature Layer (Hosted) Settings or Feature Layer (Hosted, View) Settings section and check Enable editing.

How do I publish a hosted feature layer in ArcGIS?

Publish a feature collection

  1. Open the item details of the feature collection you want to publish as a hosted feature layer.
  2. Click Publish.
  3. You can use the default title for the hosted feature layer or type a new one.
  4. Type tag terms separated by commas.
  5. Click Publish to create the hosted feature layer.

What is the difference between a map service and a feature service?

Both have the exact same data but the map service has a description, authorship info, and multiple ways to view and access the data. The feature service basically just lists the layers but if you click one you’ll see there are edit options that aren’t there if you click a layer in the map service.

What are the two types of layers called in a web map?

Types of web layers

  • Map image layer—A collection of map cartography based on vector data.
  • Imagery layer—A collection of map cartography based on raster data.
  • Tile layer—A set of web-accessible tiles that reside on a server.

How do I edit a StoryMap?

To share your StoryMap with others, you must choose the public option. Once published, whether publicly or privately, you are still able to edit your StoryMap. To edit it, select the “Edit story” option in your top navigation bar.

How do you edit a field in maps?

Configure title, summary, and thumbnail

  1. In a browser, sign in to your organization and open the Field Maps web app from the app launcher in ArcGIS Online or the app launcher in ArcGIS Enterprise.
  2. Click a map card to start configuring the map.
  3. Click Edit to edit the map title and summary.

How do I make layers editable in Arcmap?

To make only one layer editable in your map or scene, right-click the layer, and click Make this the only editable layer.

  1. On the View tab, in the Windows group, click Contents . The Contents pane appears.
  2. Click the List By Editing tab .
  3. Right-click the layer you want to edit and click Make this the only editable layer .

What is the difference between a feature layer and a hosted feature layer?

Feature layer views A hosted feature layer view is similar to a copy of a layer but is more powerful because it allows you to control more than how the layer is displayed. For example, you can create a hosted feature layer view when you need to support different editing capabilities for different groups of people.

How do I publish a shapefile?

Publishing steps:

  1. Copy shapefiles and other related files to a folder under $GEOSERVER/data_dir/data/
  2. Select to add a new data store.
  3. Select Shapefile.
  4. Pick a Workspace.
  5. Give the data source a name.
  6. Under “Connection Parameters” click “Browse” to locate and add your shapefile.
  7. Click save.