Where can I find custom vector tiles in PostGIS?

Where can I find custom vector tiles in PostGIS?

You can combine OpenMapTiles with your custom vector data saved in PostGIS database (there is the separate article for data stored in ShapeFile or GeoJSON ). The easiest way is to convert your data into vector tiles and then combine it with standard OpenMapTiles source in a map style.

How to split raster into tiles in PostGIS?

The -k option specify the size of the tiles we want to load in PostGIS. Every input raster will be split into 50×50 pixels tiles. This dimension is a good compromise allowing efficient raster/vector analysis. It is better if the size of the tiles is a divider of the size of each raster.

How are vector tiles used in map rendering?

Vector tiles are a transport format for efficiently sending map data from a server to a client for rendering. The vector tile specification describes how raw data are quantized to a grid and then compressed using delta-encoding to make a very small package.

What’s the problem in PostGIS WKT raster tutorial?

Note also that “gdal2wktraster.py” has been renamed “raster2pgsql.py” in PostGIS 2.0. Basically the problem introduced in this tutorial is to compute the mean elevation for buffers surrounding a series of point representing caribou observations.

What are the GIS objects supported by PostGIS?

The GIS objects supported by PostGIS are a superset of the “Simple Features” defined by the OpenGIS Consortium (OGC). As of version 0.9, PostGIS supports all the objects and functions specified in the OGC “Simple Features for SQL” specification. PostGIS extends the standard with support for 3DZ,3DM and 4D coordinates. 4.1.1.

What kind of projection is a XYZ tile?

“XYZ” tile maps are usually in a projection called ” spherical mercator ” that has the nice property of forming a neat square, about 40M meters on a side, over (most of) the earth at zoom level zero.

Where can I get a bounding box for PostGIS?

You can get the bounding box easily with http://boundingbox.klokantech.com/. Run these commands to create/update other configuration files needed for generating: Finally generate your tiles:

Which is the best way to create vector tiles?

The easiest way is to convert your data into vector tiles and then combine it with standard OpenMapTiles source in a map style. The big advantage of this approach is that you don’t need to generate the whole OpenMapTiles schema which is quite time-consuming.