What is error 999999 in Arcgis?

What is error 999999 in Arcgis?

A common culprit of the 999999 Esri error is small geometry errors in your vector data. This is often composed of null geometry, short segments, and self-intersections. When your log file reports a TopoEngine error, your best bet is to run the Repair Geometry tool.

What is the purpose of the zonal statistics as table tool?

Summarizes the values of a raster within the zones of another dataset and reports the results to a table. Zones are defined as areas that have identical values. If the zone input is a raster, it must be integer.

What are neighborhoods in GIS?

Neighborhood functions create output values for each cell location based on the location value and the values identified in a specified neighborhood. The neighborhood can be of two types: moving or search radius. Moving neighborhoods can either be overlapping or non-overlapping.

What is a zonal operation GIS?

Zonal operations apply a math function to a group of cells within a specified zone. For example, a zone could be a vector or raster format. By using a raster with precipitation, you can set your zone as a watershed with a sum function.

What is a zonal raster?

Zonal raster operators work on one zone at a time within a raster dataset. So in our example dataset here, we have three different zones. So cells with a value of one or in one zone, cells with a value of two or in a separate zone and the same for cells with a value of three. So we have three different zones.

How are neighborhoods represented in GIS?

Neighbourhood operations work by moving across a raster grid map, one cell at a time. As each cell is visited, it becomes the scanning cell and a new value is computed for that cell as a function of its scanning neighbourhood. All computed values are then placed into the corresponding cells of the output map/theme.

Why does zonal statistics as table tool fail?

The Zonal Statistics as Table tool from the Spatial Analyst toolbar creates statistical summaries for a raster within the zones of a value raster and reports the results to a table. Running the tool may fail with a generic error: “Error 999999: Error executing function.”

Why is my table name invalid in ArcGIS?

I am attempting to run a model that iterates rasters and computes zonal statistics returning a table. The raster’s statistics are computer across all polygons in a specific shapefile. This model worked for a small amount of files (3), but when I am trying to use it for my entire Geodatabase it will not work, returning the error shown below.

What does error code 999999 mean in ArcGIS?

But one error message, with error code 999999, is painful to get because it means something went wrong, and even the software isn’t sure what it is. It is usually accompanied by misleading messages such as “ the table was not found ” or something else. So we have to figure it out ourselves.

How to use zonal statistics as table in GeoNet?

Search on GeoNet Submit to ArcGIS Ideas. The Zonal Statistics as Table tool from the Spatial Analyst toolbar creates statistical summaries for a raster within the zones of a value raster and reports the results to a table.