How to apply a mask in Landsat 8?

How to apply a mask in Landsat 8?

If the Keep the original image size option is enabled, the result mask will have the same extension, otherwise, the result mask will be cropped in the selected area; The In only shape area option, with this option, you can process the mask only inside a particular Shape, the same that must be created before applying.

What are the different filters for Landsat 8?

The plugin has four different filters to apply, Fmask and Blue Band are available for any Landsat scene, but Aerosol and Pixel QA (for the case of Landsat 8), are available only for scenes that are requested through ESPA, as we saw earlier.

How to create a mask for a shape?

If the option Delete data out of shape is enabled, the resulting mask will have the same extension but the data out of the shape will be masked, otherwise the resulting mask will have the same and the data out of shape will be valid (only masked inside the shape). In our case we are going to use option 2 and then click on “Generate mask”.

Why is MODIS important to the Earth Observing System?

MODIS is the keystone instrument onboard a series of satellites commissioned as part of NASA’S Earth Observing System (EOS). It’s mission is to provide a long term record of science data products at high spatial and high spectral resolution.

How to save a masked file in ENVI?

Select File > Save As > Save As (ENVI, NITF, TIFF, DTED) from the menu bar, select the masked raster as input, provide a valid data ignore value, then select an output filename and location. The next section describes different options for creating masks in ENVI.

How to create a cloud mask for Landsat Sentinel-2?

From the Toolbox, select Feature Extraction > Calculate Cloud Mask Using Fmask Algorithm. Click the Browse button next to the Input Rasters field. In the File Selection dialog, click the Select All button to select all datasets that are listed for your Landsat, Sentinel-2, or NPP VIIRS file. Click OK in the File Selection dialog.

How to create an inverse mask in L3Harris?

From the menu bar, select File > Save As > Save As (ENVI, NITF, TIFF, DTED). In the File Selection dialog, select the input image and click the Mask button. Select the ROI that you created. Enable the Inverse mask option if you want to create an inverse mask.