How to create a mask in rasterio dataset?

How to create a mask in rasterio dataset?

rasterio.mask.raster_geometry_mask(dataset, shapes, all_touched=False, invert=False, crop=False, pad=False, pad_width=0.5) ¶ Create a mask from shapes, transform, and optional window within original raster. By default, mask is intended for use as a numpy mask, where pixels that overlap shapes are False.

How to mask a raster using a shapefile?

Applying the features in the shapefile as a mask on the raster sets all pixels outside of the features to be zero. Since crop=True in this example, the extent of the raster is also set to be the extent of the features in the shapefile.

What are the parameters for rasterio in Python?

Parameters ———- raster : string, pathlib.Path or Location of or already opened raster. boundary : string, pathlib.Path or geopandas.GeoDataFrame The polygon by which to clip the raster. boundary_layer : string, optional For multi-layer files (like GeoPackage), specify the layer to be used.

How to crop spatial raster data in Python?

To begin your clip, open up a vector layer that contains the crop extent that you want to use to crop your data. To open a shapefile you use the gpd.read_file () function from geopandas. You will learn more about vector data in Python in a few weeks. Next, view the coordinate reference system (CRS) of both of your datasets.

Using rasterio with fiona, it is simple to open a shapefile, read geometries, and mask out regions of a raster that are outside the polygons defined in the shapefile. This shapefile contains a single polygon, a box near the center of the raster, so in this case, our list of features is one element long.

How is rasterio used for Advanced raster processing?

Rasterio can do advanced raster processing. It handles multiple bands, masking, reprojecting, resampling and array calculations. Often rasters need to be combined to get to the information you need.

What happens when a mask is applied to a raster?

Data contained in the raster after applying the mask. If filled is True and invert is False, the return will be an array where pixels outside shapes are set to the nodata value (or nodata inside shapes if invert is True ). If filled is False, the return will be a MaskedArray in which pixels outside shapes are True (or False if invert is True ).