Can ArcMap use vector tiles?

Can ArcMap use vector tiles?

You can share vector tile layers or share vector tile packages to your ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal. Sharing a vector tile package automatically creates a corresponding vector tile layer in your portal. Vector tile layers can also be added to maps and scenes.

What is a mobile map package?

A mobile map package consolidates maps into a single file (. mmpk) that can be shared with your ArcGIS organizational account or copied directly to your mobile device. Supported layer types in the map and their data are included in the package.

Can you share a vector tile in ArcGIS Pro?

With ArcGIS Pro 1.2 and later, you can share a vector tile package to your organization and publish the uploaded vector tile package as a hosted layer. With ArcGIS Pro 1.4 and later, you can publish a hosted vector tile layer from a map in ArcGIS Pro directly to your portal.

How to create a tile package in ArcGIS?

Tile packaging does not happen automatically. To make a tile package, you first need to design the map and share it as a tile package. Then, you’ll set some cache properties and begin creating tiles. When you create a tile package, you draw it at more than one scale so that users can zoom in and out of the map.

Can a vector tile be used as a basemap?

You can add vector tile layers as operational layers or basemaps to the map viewer or scene viewer. You can also use maps and scenes with vector tile layers in web apps, using a configurable app, Web AppBuilder, ArcGIS API for JavaScript, and ArcGIS Runtime SDKs. Esri offers a set of basemaps delivered as vector tiles.

What kind of tiling is used in ArcGIS Pro?

Checked—The ArcGIS Online/Bing Maps/Google Maps tiling scheme is used. The ArcGIS Online/Bing Maps/Google Maps tiling scheme allows you to overlay your cache tiles with tiles from these online mapping services. ArcGIS Pro includes this tiling scheme as a built-in option when loading a tiling scheme.