How to add a domain to ArcGIS Online?

How to add a domain to ArcGIS Online?

Summary Note: As of the June 2018 update to ArcGIS Online, domains can be added and updated directly in ArcGIS Online through the Data tab in the hosted feature layer’s item page. Note: Each layer may have to be opened to update the parameter if there are multiple layers in the service.

What does update item do in ArcGIS REST API?

The Update Item operation (POST only) allows users to update item information and their file, URL, or text depending on type. Users can use this operation to update item information such as title, description, tags, and so on, or use it to update an item’s file, URL, or text.

How are workspace domains managed in ArcCatalog?

Workspace domains can also be managed in ArcCatalog or the Catalog window. Domains can be created and modified through the Domains tab on the Database Properties dialog box. The geodatabase containing the domain to be updated. The name of the attribute domain that will have a value added to its coded value list.

Is the ESRI Feature Service supported by Esri?

Esri cannot guarantee results from incorrect modifications while following these instructions. Therefore, use caution and proceed at your own risk. Any problems encountered as a result of making these modifications are not supported by Esri Technical Support. Note : Ensure the feature service is not shared publicly before using this workflow.

How to add web services to ArcGIS portal?

You cannot add a geoprocessing service from the web as an item to the portal. You can add web services to Map Viewer and Scene Viewer directly using the REST endpoint URL of the service. When you add ArcGIS Server web services to a map or scene using the service URL, you configure settings for the web service layer within the map or scene.

What happens when you publish a map to ArcGIS Online?

When you publish a map to an ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal, it creates a hosted feature layer or hosted tile layer item in the portal that you can share with others so they can access your data. Before you publish to an ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal, you need to do the following:

Is it possible to take an ArcGIS map offline?

If the map you want to take offline contains a tile layer, the source service definition file or tile package for the tile layer must exist in ArcGIS Online. You can take ArcGIS tiles offline when using Esri software that supports offline use. Systematically requesting ArcGIS tiles for offline use through other apps or services is prohibited.