How to clip a polygon as an input raster?

How to clip a polygon as an input raster?

In the Extract by Mask dialog box, select or browse the grid to clip as the Input raster. Select or browse the polygon feature class containing the polygon (s) to clip the grid as the Input raster or feature mask data. Set a name and location for the Output raster.

How do I clip a polygon in ArcMap?

Select the feature you want to use to clip. Click the Editor menu and click Clip. Type a buffer value. You can leave the value as 0 if you are clipping with a polygon feature.

How to clip a grid to a specific polygon shape?

In ArcToolbox, navigate to Data Management Tools > Raster > Raster Processing > Clip. In the Clip dialog box, select or browse to the grid as the Input Raster. Select or browse to the polygon feature class containing the polygon (s) to clip the grid as the Output Extent.

Can a raster be used as a clip extent?

An existing raster or vector layer can be used as the clip extent. If you are using a feature class as the output extent, you have the option to clip the raster by the minimum bounding rectangle of the feature class or by the polygon geometry of the features. If clipping geometry is used, the pixel depth of the output may be promoted.

How do I export raster data to geodatabase?

The NoData value is not persisted for data exported to a geodatabase or CRF format. The Export Raster pane allows you to export the entire raster dataset, mosaic dataset, image service or the portion in the display. In the Contents pane, right-click the raster layer you want to export, click Data, and click Export Raster.

What to do with exported raster data in ArcGIS Pro?

When you open the exported raster dataset in ArcGIS Pro, the default rendering rules are applied. To keep the rendering the same as when you exported the data, set the stretch type to None, since it is already stretched. The Use Renderer check box must be enabled to use either Force RGB or Use Colormap.