How is land cover classified?

How is land cover classified?

The definition of land cover is fundamental, because in many existing classifications and legends it is confused with land use. Consequently, areas where the surface consists of bare rock or bare soil are describing land itself rather than land cover. Also, it is disputable whether water surfaces are real land cover.

What are the requirements of ground data in remote sensing?

In remote sensing, “ground truth” refers to information collected on location. Ground truth allows image data to be related to real features and materials on the ground. The collection of ground truth data enables calibration of remote-sensing data, and aids in the interpretation and analysis of what is being sensed.

How is remote sensing used in land use studies?

The remote sensing techniques are used to measure the land cover, from which land use can be inferred particularly with ancillary data or priority knowledge. Land use/cover studies are multidisciplinary in nature.

Why was a land use and land cover classification system created?

The classification system has been developed to meet the needs of Federal and State agencies for an up-to-date overview of land use and land cover throughout the country on a basis that is uniform in categorization at the more generalized first and second levels and that will be receptive to data from satellite and aircraft remote sensors.

How are satellite data used for land use / land cover study?

The study focuses on the effectiveness of the satellite data for land use/land cover study and describes the various land use and land cover categories of the study area. It is observed that the multi-temporal images (Seasonal data) play an important role in the classification of land use and land cover [6] [7].

Which is a case study of remote sensing and GIS?

Land Use and Land Cover Mapping by using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques – a Case Study of Kasaba Hobli, Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural District, Karnataka, India. Prof & Director, R&D (CS), Asst. Prof, Department of Computer Science