Can filament go bad?

Can filament go bad?

Unlike food which has a specific expiration date, filament does not have a specific expiration date. However, filament can go bad based on storage conditions. The worse the conditions the quicker the material will go bad. If you notice the print quality suffering, the first thing to check is your filament.

How do you calibrate an extrusion multiplier?

In PrusaSlicer, navigate to Filament Settings and look for Extrusion Multiplier. The default setting (for PLA) is 1, this value represents a percentage, 1 = 100%, 0.95 = 95% etc. Usually, the adjusted values can be between 0.9 and 1.1. To adjust it, simply rewrite the value.

Why is the extrusion on my printer so inconsistent?

One of the most common causes of inconsistent extrusion that we have not mentioned yet is the quality of the filament that you are printing with. Low-quality filament may contain extra additives that impact the consistency of the plastic. Others may have an inconsistent filament diameter, which will also cause inconsistent extrusion.

Why are my prints inconsistent on Ender 3?

One side (in the image below, it’s the left side) seems to have shifted slightly into the print where it should be lined up with the side, and on the opposite side of the print, it’s sticking a little bit outwards, like a really small layer shift. This shift happened on both prints on the same layer.

Why are there horizontal lines in my UM2 printer?

In my UM2 printers, when printing small objects with very sudden changes in layer area, that also shows up as “horizontal lines” in the print, due to the differences in layer cooling time. See the images below. For me, printing slower and cooler helps, or for small objects, printing a dummy “cooling tower” next to the real model.

Why is my 3D printer not printing straight?

Sometimes residue from the printing process and from burnt filament are left behind in the nozzle and get stuck. This causes the nozzle to become partially or fully clogged. Check the filament being extruded from the nozzle during the printing process and see whether the filament is coming out straight or curled.