Where did the term responsive design come from?

Where did the term responsive design come from?

The term Responsive Design was first coined by the web designer and developer Ethan Marcotte in his book, Responsive Web Design. Responsive designs respond to changes in browser width by adjusting the placement of design elements to fit in the available space.

What do you need to know about responsive web design?

As more diverse screen sizes became available, the concept of responsive web design (RWD) appeared, a set of practices that allows web pages to alter their layout and appearance to suit different screen widths, resolutions, etc.

What are the pros and cons of responsive design?

Responsive Design lets designers show content based on the browser space available. This allows consistency between what a site shows on a desktop and what it shows on a handheld device. Responsive design is the “traditional” option and remains the more popular approach to date. Pros.

Which is the Best CSS framework for Responsive design?

All popular CSS Frameworks offer responsive design. They are free, and easy to use. W3.CSS W3.CSS is a modern CSS framework with support for desktop, tablet, and mobile design by default.

The term responsive design was coined by Ethan Marcotte in 2010 and described the use of three techniques in combination. The first was the idea of fluid grids, something which was already being explored by Gillenwater, and can be read up on in Marcotte’s article, Fluid Grids (published in 2009 on A List Apart).

Which is the default layout method in responsive design?

Modern layout methods such as Multiple-column layout, Flexbox, and Grid are responsive by default. They all assume that you are trying to create a flexible grid and give you easier ways to do so. The oldest of these layout methods is multicol — when you specify a column-count, this indicates how many columns you want your content to be split into.

Is the CSS the platform for Responsive design?

Modern CSS layout methods are inherently responsive, and we have new things built into the web platform to make designing responsive sites easier. The rest of this article will point you to the various web platform features you might want to use when creating a responsive site. Responsive design was only able to emerge due to the media query.