How to customise Joomla smart search results page?

How to customise Joomla smart search results page?

The layout contains significant Mootools-based JavaScript code that should not be altered unless you know what you are doing. The view method getFields includes a number of hidden fields that are required for reliable searching. The search term is defined by the input field with the name of “q”. To customise the default layout, find the file:

How to customise the smart search results page?

Make any adjustments you need to structural elements that contain the search form and the search results. This layout is also responsible for loading the default CSS stylesheet for Smart Search which is located in media/com_finder/css/finder.css, so you might want to alter that to load own CSS rules for Smart Search.

How to change the file path in Joomla?

To achieve this you use the Joomla layout override system. You need to be able to create new files and edit them on your web hosting site using FTP or other tools that are available to you (contact your web host if you need more information). All file paths are relative to the directory in which Joomla is installed.

How does the default template work in Joomla?

All file paths are relative to the directory in which Joomla is installed. When looking at the files you need to create, it is assumed that you will create the necessary folders if they don’t already exist in each case. The directory default_template refers to the template that is set as the default for your site.

Why does Joomla use a Smart Search indexer?

The Smart Search indexer breaks up the total indexing process into a number of batches to reduce server load and avoid PHP’s memory and execution time limits. If the content items being indexed are particularly short and/or the server is particularly fast, the indexer can process more items per batch.

How to manage global settings in Joomla documentation?

From Joomla! Documentation Options allows you to manage the global settings for the extension. The Options settings are inherited by views but the settings in the Menu Item will override the Global setting. The Options panel is separated into two parts.