What is source address in IPv6?

What is source address in IPv6?

An Internet Protocol Version 6 address (IPv6 address) is a numeric label that is used to identify and locate a network interface of a computer or a network node participating in an computer network using IPv6. IP addresses are included in the packet header to indicate the source and the destination of each packet.

What is the source IPv4 address?

Source IP address – the IP packet field containing the IP address of the workstation from which it came. Destination IP address – the IP packet field containing the IP address of the workstation to which it is addressed.

What are the fields of an IPv4 packet?

IPV4 header format is of 20 to 60 bytes in length, contains information essential to routing and delivery, consist of 13 fields, VER, HLEN, service type, total length, identification, flags, fragmentation offset, time to live, protocol, header checksum, source IP address, Destination IP address and option + padding.

Are IPv6 ports the same as IPv4?

Port restrictions for IPv6 are identical to those available in IPv4. TCP and UDP have separate port spaces, each identified by port numbers in the range 1-65535. For IPv6, ports work the same as IPv4.

What are the 4 most important fields in IPv4 header?

The different fields of an IPv4 header are Version, IHL, Type of Service, Total Length, Flags, Fragment offset, TTL (Time to Live), Protocol, Header Checksum, Source IPv4 Address, Destination IPv4 Address, IP Options, Padding and the Data Payload.

How big is the IPv6 destination address field?

Destination Address – Stores the IPv6 address of the current destination host. The size of this field is 128 bits. In most cases the Destination Address is set to the final destination address. However, if a Routing extension header is present, the Destination Address might be set to the next router interface in the source route list.

What are the different fields of an IPv4 header?

The different fields of an IPv4 header are Version, IHL, Type of Service, Total Length, Flags, Fragment offset, TTL (Time to Live), Protocol, Header Checksum, Source IPv4 Address, Destination IPv4 Address, IP Options, Padding and the Data Payload. Click “Next” link below to continue. Do you have any suggestions? Please let us know!

Which is the source address in IPv4 datagram?

The ” Source IP Address ” is the 32-bit size IPv4 address of the device which sends this Internet Protocol (IPv4) Datagram. The ” Destination IPv4 Address ” is the 32-bit size IPv4 address of the device which is going to receive this IPv4 Datagram.

What is the purpose of the version field in IPv4?

While the purpose of the Version field is defined in the same way for both IPv4 and IPv6, its value is not used to pass the packet to an IPv4 or IPv6 protocol layer. This identification is done through a protocol identification field in the link-layer header.