What is the purpose of the link-local address?

What is the purpose of the link-local address?

These addresses refer only to a particular physical link and are used for addressing on a single link for purposes such as automatic address configuration and neighbor discovery protocol. Link-local addresses can be used to reach the neighboring nodes attached to the same link.

Do we need link-local addresses?

Unlike IPv4, IPv6 requires a link-local address on every network interface on which the IPv6 protocol is enabled, even when routable addresses are also assigned. The address is formed from its routing prefix and a unique identifier for the network interface.

What is the major limitation of link local addresses?

The limitation of link-local addresses is that IPv6 routers cannot forward link-level traffic outside the link.

What is a characteristic of a link local address?

Link-Local Unicast Address. Link-local addresses are another type of unicast address as shown in Figure 4-6. A link-local address is a unicast address that is confined to a single link, a single subnet. Link-local addresses only need to be unique on the link (subnet) and do not need to be unique beyond the link.

What is the use of link local address-Cisco?

Simply put the link-local address in IPv6 is used when you need packets to travel no further than whats at the other end of that cable/network segment. There are perfectly valid use-cases for such addresses to be used.

Is the link local address valid for IPv4?

In wiki it refer as, In a computer network, a link-local address is a network address that is valid only for communications within the network segment ( link) or the broadcast domain that the host is connected to. Yes, that is correct for IPv4.

What’s the IP address of my Cisco switch?

If there are no DHCP servers available, the switch will use its factory default IP address which is This article provides instructions on how to configure the IP address settings of your switch through the Command Line Interface (CLI).

How to configure an IP address for an interface?

Enter the IP address interface configuration command to define an IP address for an interface by entering either of the following: ip address [ip-address] { {mask | prefix-length}} — Use the reload command to reload the switch immediately.