How do I use GPL licensed code?

How do I use GPL licensed code?

How to use GNU licenses for your own software

  1. Get a copyright disclaimer from your employer or school.
  2. Give each file the proper copyright notices.
  3. Add a COPYING file with a copy of the GNU GPL or GNU AGPL.
  4. Also add a COPYING.
  5. Put a license notice in each file.
  6. (Optionally) make the program display a startup notice.

Do I own my code on GitHub?

When you put code on GitHub, you retain all the copyright to your code. However, you do grant GitHub a license to host the code, and you also allow GitHub users a set of rights – namely the ability to look at, and fork your repository.

Do you need a GPL license to use a library?

The GPL is viral in nature ( copyleft) so if you use or extend GPL-ed software then you are required to GPL your derived work. However, most libraries are intended to be reused and the GPL license doesn’t make sense. That is why there is the LGPL or ” Lesser GNU Public License “.

Can you use GPL code in a JAR file?

However, most libraries are intended to be reused and the GPL license doesn’t make sense. That is why there is the LGPL or “Lesser GNU Public License”. This license allows you to use GPL-ed code in a library setting without requiring your application to be GPL-ed. If the JAR file is distributed under the LGPL you should be OK.

Where do you put the GNU license in a program?

All programs, whether they are released under the GPL or LGPL, should include the text version of the GPL. In GNU programs we conventionally put the license in a file called COPYING.

Can you make proprietary software under the GPL?

Using a certain GNU program under the GPL does not fit our project to make proprietary software. Will you make an exception for us? It would mean more users of that program. If a programming language interpreter is released under the GPL, does that mean programs written to be interpreted by it must be under GPL-compatible licenses?