Can a Linux distro be closed-source?

Can a Linux distro be closed-source?

There are no closed-source Linux distributions. The GPL license used for the kernel requires it to be distributed with a compatible license. You can create your own proprietary version, but you can’t distribute it (free or paid) unless you also distribute the source under GPL-compatible terms.

Can you just run the Linux kernel?

It is possible to install a Linux kernel without the usual user-space tools. This is commonly done in embedded systems such as routers.

Which OS is considered to be closed-source?

On mobile and tablet systems, closed-source operating systems include Windows Phone, iOS and the Symbian OS that is used by BlackBerry. Android is based on the open-source Linux OS, though it has many proprietary, closed-source extensions.

What happens when OS is running without the kernel?

If the kernel is removed,you will have applications remaining,but you wouldn’t be able to use them. So to conclude, The kernel is part of the operating system and closer to the hardware it provides low level services like: device driver.

Is Ubuntu a closed source?

For one thing, it uses closed source hardware drivers, which aren’t regarded “free” the GNU way. That’s one of the reasons, why some drivers aren’t supported on Fedora. There’s different kinds of “free” in the Linux world.

Is RHEL closed source?

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is an operating system that utilizes open source software. It’s a curated set of software that comes together to form the RedHat offer.

Is Unix open or closed source?

Unix was not open source software, and the Unix source code was licensable via agreements with its owner, AT. With all the activity around Unix at Berkeley, a new delivery of Unix software was born: the Berkeley Software Distribution, or BSD.

Can kernel work without OS?

The sole aim of the kernel is to manage the communication between the software (user level applications) and the hardware (CPU, disk memory etc). OS needs to leverage the hardware resources in-order to run which is facilitated by the kernel. Hence it is safe to say that without a kernel , an OS cannot work.

Is the Linux source code outside of Linux?

Furthermore, I think you should define better what you mean by OS. A big part (a major part) of the Ubuntu source code is outside of Linux. Linux is only the kernel, (it is sometimes referred to as Operating System, especially in academic circles, hence the confusion), and therefore it has the “simple” job of:

Is it possible to change the kernel of Linux?

In short, changing bits of the kernel is tricky. The reason people suggested Minix to you is simple: it’s a full operating system, but it’s not burdened by the needs of a system as complex as Linux. The code is small, but still provides full functionality. After all, the first versions of Linux were inspired by Minix.

What makes a Linux distribution an open source?

These Linux distributions are often more lightweight and can be found in embedded systems. The Linux kernel is known to be open-source software. This means that the source code is openly available. Everybody can read the code and modify it to their heart’s content.

Is the Linux operating system an operating system?

One common misconception is that Linux is an operating system (OS). This is factually incorrect and it is rather that piece of software that directly communicates with the hardware. An OS is much more than that, it includes software libraries, runtimes, and usually a default set of executables.