Is your material transparent with transparency as image texture?

Is your material transparent with transparency as image texture?

I’ve tried to use a PNG image with transparency/alpha channel as the source for an Image Texture. However, all the transparent areas (mostly background) render as black. Is there some setting that the transparent areas of a PNG image remain transparent? Thanks! On the material look for premultiply. Click that. Is your material transparent?

Why is there a node for transparency in an image?

Most of the confusion comes from the idea that, if there is “transparency” in the image, there has to be a node for transparency involved, and somehow the alpha information has to be connected to it. Please read further. 1. Determine what part of the object will use the texture.

How to use alpha transparent textures in Blender?

Go to the add menu(Shift+A) in the shader editor, find shader and choose a Transparent BSDF. Place it above the Principled BSDF node. Add a mix shader node as well and place it on the right side of the Principled shader and move the material output further to the right.

How to use transparent shader in mix shader?

Insert a mix shader node and add another shader node (for example, a transparent shader node). Connect the “alpha” output from your texture node to the mix shader’s factor input.

Is there a way to make png transparency white?

No, none of my userscripts or my addons should affect anything to do with images (except maybe Ad-Block Plus, but I fail to see why that should affect image transparency). No, none of my userscripts or my addons should affect anything to do with images (except maybe Ad-Block Plus, but I fail to see why that should affect image transparency).

Why does png transparency not work on IMG elements?

The CSS opacity parameter don’t solve the problem, because DIV children can’t be less transparent than their parents (this means to have a sort of plywood made with absolutely positioned DIVs) . Since the PNG transparency is working on IMG elements, I hope it will be restored at least for backgrounds, too.

Why is the background of my PNG image white?

While the white background can have a sense on standalone images, I think there are hundreds of web sites which rely on DIV background image transparency. I can fix this on my own computer with some tricks and add-ons, but we must assume the average Random J. User visiting our fancy site don’t know how to do this.