Is OptiX or CUDA better?
Long story short, OptiX is much faster for Blender than using NVIDIA’s CUDA back-end — which already was much faster than the OpenCL support within Blender. OptiX is only supported with the NVIDIA RTX graphics cards but it offers a significant boost to the rendering performance.
What’s the difference between CUDA and OptiX?
CUDA is only available for Nvidia’s graphics products. Nvidia OptiX is part of Nvidia GameWorks. OptiX is a high-level, or “to-the-algorithm” API, meaning that it is designed to encapsulate the entire algorithm of which ray tracing is a part, not just the ray tracing itself.
How do I render with OptiX Blender?
To enable GPU rendering, go into the Preferences ‣ System ‣ Cycles Render Devices, and select either CUDA, OptiX or OpenCL. Next, you must configure each scene to use GPU rendering in Properties ‣ Render ‣ Device.
Does blender use RT cores?
To optimize the rendering of images, Blender is working on OptiX, which allows to use the RT Cores of the NVIDIA RTX. Ray Tracing technology or traces of rays of light are here to stay. This technology has been pushed for gaming by NVIDIA, but it is not a new technology.
Can Blender use RT cores?
To optimize the rendering of images, Blender is working on OptiX, which allows to use the RT Cores of the NVIDIA RTX. Ray Tracing technology or traces of rays of light are here to stay. Image rendering via graphics card allows you to get the job done faster.
Which is better, CUDA or Optix in Blender?
OptiX is specifically built for ray tracing and is probably faster than CUDA, which is built for general compute. Blender OptiX option uses Nvidia RT tech, which is only available on the newer Nvidia cards (NVIDIA GeForce, Quadro and Tesla products with Maxwell and newer generation GPUs.)
Which is better for ray tracing, CUDA or Optix?
If you have a Nvidia GPU you can use either CUDA or OptiX. OptiX is specifically built for ray tracing and is probably faster than CUDA, which is built for general compute. Blender OptiX option uses Nvidia RT tech, which is only available on the newer Nvidia cards (NVIDIA GeForce, Quadro and Tesla products with Maxwell and newer generation GPUs.)
Can you use OptiX on an AMD GPU?
If your GPU is not Nvidia or it is not RTX (for example, GTX series), OptiX won’t work. There is a Blender development blog post to explain it more. And for OpenCL, it is for an AMD GPU to utilize the hardware since AMD doesn’t support CUDA at all.
What’s the difference between OptiX and CUDA assembly language?
In some sense you could think of OptiX being like C or C++ compared to CUDA being assembly language. Since OptiX has some high level abstractions and it has to compile to CUDA on non-RTX devices, it may not be a surprise that hand-written CUDA can go faster, at least on non-RTX hardware.