How to retrieve data from Salesforce using APEX?
Retrieve Data Using Apex The Node.js app you built in the previous project runs a SOQL query to retrieve the list of sessions from the Salesforce Platform. In order to retrieve that data on Salesforce, you need to convert the Node.js backend logic into Apex code.
What do you need to know about apex?
Apex is a strongly typed, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to execute flow and transaction control statements on Salesforce servers in conjunction with calls to the API. Note Apex is only needed for specific use cases, such as fetching a record and its related records.
How does the wire work in Salesforce apex?
The wire uses the getSessionsadapter that maps to our Apex endpoint. The wire is called with a searchKeyparameter that is mapped to the searchKeyproperty. Notice that the parameter value is passed as a string with a $prefix.
How is searchkey passed to the wire in apex?
The filtering is no longer performed on the client side. searchKeyis now passed to the wire so that the Apex returns the filtered session list. You are debouncing the searchKeyproperty update by applying a 300-millisecond delay to the update. This is to avoid a very large number of Apex method calls.
Can a null value be used in a mapobject?
Helper function that enables mapObject to work with a null value. Using the previous example, you can test that if the input of the mapObject is null, the output result is null as well. In XML null values are written as empty tags.
When do you need to use apex unit?
Apex is only needed for specific use cases, such as fetching a record and its related records. When you interact with single record data, you can use the power of the User Interface API. This lets you use prebuilt wire adapters and functions to perform CRUD operations on records just with JavaScript, and without writing a single line of Apex.
How to retrive all active picklist values in apex?
In Apex, you can call getPicklistValues () on any DescribeFieldResult for a picklist-type field. Each PicklistEntry object includes an isActive () method you can call. E.g., Schema.DescribeFieldResult dfr = Opportunity.StageName.getDescribe (); for (PicklistEntry pe : dfr.getPicklistValues ()) { if (pe.isActive ()) { // do something } }
How to use REST API in contact builder?
If you’re Data Extension is included in an Attribute Group in Contact Builder, then you can use the search REST API method to retrieve a value from one or more Data Extensions.
What happens when an unhandled exception occurs in apex?
When unhandled Apex exceptions occur, emails are sent that include the Apex stack trace, exception message, and the customer’s org and user ID. No other data is returned with the report. Unhandled exception emails are sent by default to the developer specified in the LastModifiedBy field on the failing class or trigger.
Where is the response stored in apex web service?
The response is stored in an Application Express collection named MOVIE_LISTINGS. Use this function to invoke a SOAP style Web service with the supplied SOAP envelope returning the results in an XMLTYPE. Table 22-4 describes the parameters available in the MAKE_REQUEST function.