How do you create a chatter post in Salesforce?

How do you create a chatter post in Salesforce?

Your profile page has a Chatter feed right there. On the Post tab, click into the Share an update… field. Before you enter anything, take a moment to look at the options in the Chatter publisher. With the controls in the rich text editor (1), you can add styles, lists, images, links, code snippets, emojis, and mentions to your post.

How do you share a post on Salesforce?

Click Share. When you post to your profile feed, anyone who has access to your profile can see your post. And anyone who is following you is notified of your activity. Use your keyboard to share your post, comment, or question. For Windows, enter your content and press Ctrl+Enter; for macOS, press control+Enter or command+Enter.

How do you filter posts in Salesforce trailhead?

For Windows, enter your content and press Ctrl+Enter; for macOS, press control+Enter or command+Enter. Look at your profile feed to see posts where you’re @mentioned, things your co-workers posted to your profile, and your own posts. Filter a profile by Posts by This User to see only the profiled user’s posts.

How do you share a link on Chatter?

Click the Chatter tab. Click in the Share an update field and enter your post. You can also share website links in your posts. To enter a link or website, enter its URL.

How do I post something to my chatter feed?

Let’s post something to Chatter. No need to navigate somewhere else. Your profile page has a Chatter feed right there. On the Post tab, click into the Share an update… field. Before you enter anything, take a moment to look at the options in the Chatter publisher.

How do I copy a link in chatter?

To copy a link that goes to the detail view of a post, select Copy Link. For Share with Group only: In the Group Name field, enter the name of the group to share this post with, and select the group from the results. In the editor, add any remarks that you want to publish with the shared post. Click Share.

Can you use FormAssembly to post to chatter?

You can use FormAssembly to post directly to any Chatter feed. You can even include a file, so your organization can view the file right in Chatter! Chatter posts are named FeedItem in the Salesforce API.

How do you post a file to chatter?

To post a file click the File tab above your post. Click Upload a file from your computer and select Browse. Select the file you want to upload and click Open. Click Share to publish your post. Your post appears in Chatter. If you change your mind, you can delete your own posts.

How can I post updates to my Chatter blog?

You can post updates to Chatter to let your followers know your status, what you’re working on, or to share files and websites. Click in the Share an update field and enter your post. You can also share website links in your posts.

How to add a topic to a chatter post?

Use the paperclip (3) to attach up to 10 files to a post or question. Go ahead and enter: Today is a great day to learn Chatter!. If you like, add some styles. To make your post easier to find later, add a topic to it. Topics are searchable terms that you add to a post using a hashtag (#). Enter #TakeItToChatter, and press Enter.

How to create an all sales chatter group?

In the “Share an update…” section, post the following message: Welcome to the All Sales group, which replaces the All Sales email list. Click Share. Next, create the All Support Chatter group. Click the Groups tab, click New. Click Save & Next, Next, then Done.

What makes a chatter group public or private?

Chatter groups are classified as either public or private. Public means anyone can see and add posts, comments, and files. Anyone can join a public group. Private means only group members can see and add posts, comments, and files. People must ask the group’s owner or managers to join a private group.

How do you post a question on Salesforce?

When you post to your profile feed, anyone who has access to your profile can see your post. And anyone who is following you is notified of your activity. Use your keyboard to share your post, comment, or question. For Windows, enter your content and press Ctrl+Enter; for macOS, press control+Enter or command+Enter.

How to add custom fields to chatter posts?

Customize Chatter post field will help them focus more on sorting their Chatter post emails (especially subject line), or else it will only pollute their inbox without relevant info. Most of them just delete them. Thanks. Adding fields in adition to ID to chatter posted is a much needed feature.

How to create ” post to chatter ” core action?

Create a “Post to Chatter” Core action Create a new resource for the Message, make it a text template. If you stored the record owner in a Get element, brought in from process builder, record triggered flow, etc. you should reference the Id like this: Then you can insert any additional data or text you want to have in the chatter post.

Can a follower answer a question posted on a public group?

As with polls, your followers have the access to answer questions that you posted to your profile page or the Chatter page. Private group members can answer questions posted to private groups. Anyone in your org can answer a question posted to a public group.

How do I attach a question to a post?

Let’s find out how. In the Chatter publisher, click the Post or Question tab, click in its text field, and look for the Attach files icon . Attach up to 10 files to a post or question. Let’s step through attaching a couple of files to see how it works.