How to display picklist values in Lightning component?

How to display picklist values in Lightning component?

In this blog, we will see how to get picklist values of a field dynamically using apex in lightning component. In the below given example we will fetch the Industry field value of lead object to display it on the lightning component, and create a lead record.

How to get the name of a component?

You can get any attribute value of component through which user interacted on UI. for example event.getSource ().get (“”) will return “cStat” which is name attribute in lightning select. Hope this will help!!!

How does a picklist work in a widget?

A picklist is a widget that displays a list of selectable options. When an option is selected, it is shown as selected and the value of the read-only input is updated to match it.

How does a picklist work in SLDs-combobox?

The target HTML element, slds-combobox and dropdown need to be wrapped in the class .slds-dropdown-trigger dropdown-trigger_click. A Picklist allows a user to select and set a value from a pre-defined list of options.

How to fetch multi picklist values from sobject to?

Select one or more options in the list on the left. Move selected options to the list on the right. The order of the selected options is maintained and you can reorder options. This component inherits styling from Dueling Picklist in the Lightning Design System. This component requires API version 41.0 and later.

Do you have multi select picklist in Formula field?

Multi-select picklist fields are only supported in certain functions. Tell me more You have Secondary_Group__c field on Account object, on which object are you creating formula?

Is the secondary group a multi select picklist?

Here, “Secondary_Group__C is a multi-picklist, if it blank, then the value from its respective Account object ( Account.Secondary_Group__c) must show up else not. and I am getting the following error : Error: Field Secondary_Group__c is a multi-select picklist field.