How to decrypt blobs using APEX crypto class?

How to decrypt blobs using APEX crypto class?

Decrypts the Blob IVAndCipherText using the specified algorithm and private key. Use this method to decrypt blobs encrypted using a third party application or the encryptWithManagedIV method. These are all industry standard Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithms with different size keys.

What is apex crypto class and how to use it in Salesforce?

The Apex Crypto class provides a number of cryptographic functions for creating digests, message authentication codes, and signatures, as well as encrypting and decrypting information. This allows you to encrypt or decrypt information in or integrate with external services that require these functions.

How to encrypt and decrypt a string in apex?

Please provide apex code examples to encrypt and decrypt a string using all of the supported encryption algorithms (AES128, AES192, and AES256). I searched for clear and concise code examples on this site, but found none (if you know of an answer with all said examples, please point me that way).

How to generate an AES key in apex?

// Generate an AES key for the purpose of this sample. // Normally this key should be stored in a protected custom setting // or an encrypted field on a custom object Blob cryptoKey = Crypto.generateAesKey (256); // Generate the data to be encrypted.

What kind of encryption is used in apex?

Consists of functions to encrypt and decrypt information using AES128, AES192 and AES256 algorithms. Currently, only symmetric private key encryption using the AES algorithm is supported. Whilst encryption provides for data protection, it does not authenticate the sender (non-repudiation) and nor does it guarantee message integrity.

What are the functions of the crypto class?

The Crypto class provides the following functions to encrypt and decrypt using the AES algorithm: encrypt (algorithmName, privateKey, initializationVector, clearText)- Encrypts the Blob clearText using the specified algorithm, private key, and initialization vector.