What is Lead record type?

What is Lead record type?

Create a lead record to track sales leads that you pass to partner users. Record types help you differentiate between sales leads and registered deals, assign specific page layouts for different processes, and simplify reporting for each type of record.

What is a prospect record?

Description. Each prospect record has an Activities table displaying the prospect’s actions. The activities are composed of an icon and description of the activity. The description includes the name of the marketing element or email and the date that the prospect took that action.

Is lead status a default field in Pardot?

Pardot is just creating a Lead in Salesforce. Unless your Pardot integration is setting a specific status value, the default value is being driven by Salesforce. Click Setup > Customize > Leads > Lead Fields > Status and from here change which value is your default value.

What is Lead record type in Salesforce?

Create a lead record type to track deals submitted by partners in Experience Cloud sites. Record types help you differentiate between sales leads and registered deals, assign page layouts for each profile for deal registration, and simplify reporting by lead record type.

How do you create a lead process?

Tip To use more values than the master process record provides, customize the Lead Status picklist values for leads before you create the lead process.

  1. From Setup, enter Processes in the Quick Find box.
  2. To create a lead process, such as for lead distribution, select Lead Processes.

Can Pardot track visitors?

Pardot can track your visitors interactions and activities, even while they’re pre-conversion, by adding a tracking cookie to their browser when they first visit your website. Using these tracking values, the cookie stores the activities of visitors and prospects on your site.

What is the difference between a visitor and a prospect Pardot?

An anonymous visitor is someone who has visited a page with your Pardot tracking code on it, but hasn’t converted to a prospect yet. Prospects are visitors who have an associated email address in Pardot. An active prospect has performed an activity, such as submitting a form, visiting a page, or clicking a link.

Which type of asset is permanently deleted and not saved in the recycle bin?

Tags and content files are deleted permanently and don’t appear in the recycle bin.

How often do Pardot dynamic lists refresh?

Why? Well, after defining the rule criteria once, the dynamic list will continuously use that rule to add prospects from the list. If they no longer meet that criteria, they will be removed from the list automatically. Note: Once created, dynamic lists can take around 15 minutes to update with prospects.

What does it mean to be a prospect in Pardot?

A prospect is Pardot’s name for a site visitor who has given you their email address—an email address is the one piece of information that’s required for a prospect to be created. Each prospect has a record in Pardot that can sync with a corresponding lead or contact record in Salesforce.

How to find your Pardot campaign tracking code?

Finding Your Pardot Tracking Code 1 In Pardot, go to Marketing | Campaigns. 2 Select the Website Tracking campaign. 3 Click View Tracking Code to access the unique Pardot tracking code for your website 4 Copy the code. 5 In your web page HTML, paste the campaign tracking code before the close body tag ( ). More

Where do I put a Pardot form on my website?

A Pardot form you embed on your web page. A form on your site that you connect to a Pardot form handler. A form you host on a Pardot landing page. We’ll cover forms, form handlers, and landing pages in greater detail later on in this module.

Is the Pardot tracking code like Hansel and Gretel?

The good news is that, just like Hansel in the famous fairytale, when visitors browse a website that has Pardot tracking code on it, they leave behind traceable crumbs that can be used later.