What is Salesforce namespace?

What is Salesforce namespace?

A namespace is a 1–15 character alphanumeric identifier that distinguishes your package and its contents from other packages in your customer’s org. A namespace is assigned to a package at the time that it’s created, and can’t be changed.

Which character separates the namespace from the component name in lightning Web components?

In the Lightning web component, we use c-property-tile. A dash separates the namespace, c, from the component name.

What is Aura namespace?

Aura is the open source technology that powers Lightning Components. The aura: namespace contains all of the basic building blocks for defining components and applications.

How do you call Aura component from LWC?

In this blog post we will learn “How to call lwc method from Aura component”.

  1. parentAuraComp.cmp.
  2. parentAuraCompController.js. ({ callChildMethod : function(component, event, helper) {
  3. childLwcComp.html.
  4. childLwcComp.js. import { LightningElement,api } from ‘lwc’;

How to reference a component in the Lightning namespace?

Within an HTML template, to reference a component in the lightning namespace, use < lightning -component>. The hyphen character ( -) separates the namespace from the component name. This component references lightning-card, which is a base Lightning component in the lightning namespace.

What does hyphen mean in Lightning Component Library?

The hyphen character ( -) separates the namespace from the component name. This component references lightning-card, which is a base Lightning component in the lightning namespace. It also references c-contact-tile, which is a custom component in the same project.

Can a custom lightning component access a custom aura component?

A custom Lightning web component can’t access a Lightning web component or module in a custom namespace. It can access Lightning web components and modules only in the c and lightning namespaces. A custom Lightning web component and a custom Aura component in the same namespace can’t have the same name.

When to use the default namespace in Salesforce?

Every component is part of a namespace, which is used to group related components together. If your organization has a namespace prefix set, use that namespace to access your components. Otherwise, use the default namespace to access your components.