How could you ensure that no one can anonymously access site data via the REST API?

How could you ensure that no one can anonymously access site data via the REST API?

How could you ensure that no one can anonymously access site data via the REST API? Disable the REST API via the site’s wp-config. php file. Use the rest_authentication_errors() filter along with the is_user_logged_in() conditional to limit access to logged in users.

What is an anonymous API?

It allows a user to access a website’s public space without providing a user id and password. Similarly, anonymous authentication allows users to access APIs without having to provide any means of authentication. oAuth, which uses a token to authenticate a user calling the API.

Should I disable REST API?

However, most website owners do not need these features, and it may be smarter to disable the WordPress JSON REST API. No one can deny the benefits that this API brings to WordPress developers. Simply put, it allows developers to retrieve data very easily using GET requests.

How do I authenticate public API?

4 Most Used REST API Authentication Methods

  1. 4 Most Used Authentication Methods. Let’s review the 4 most used authentication methods used today.
  2. HTTP Authentication Schemes (Basic & Bearer) The HTTP Protocol also defines HTTP security auth schemes like:
  3. API Keys.
  4. OAuth (2.0)
  5. OpenID Connect.

How to secure an anonymous web API request?

The Web API, though anonymous can be only called from the browser session where the request originated. What are options do I have to achieve this? Can I use Anti-Forgery token here (without authentication)?

How to create an anonymous Salesforce Apex Rest API?

Setup -> Develop -> Apex Classes -> New and copy the Apex code from Here and paste into Editor. 3 – Now, time to create a Salesforce Site. Setup -> Develop -> Sites.

How is anonymous authentication used in public websites?

Public websites use anonymous authentication to call the backend APIs to gather dynamic content to serve their user base. As far as consuming APIs is concerned, there are three means of authentication. Basic Auth, which represents using user id and password. API Key requires one to pass a unique key that one passes along while calling the endpoint.

Which is the best tool for accessing APIs?

It is also useful for web developers looking to access a sample data set for their app without any red tape. The APIs below can be accessed using your web browser, cURL for the command line, API tools like Swagger and Postman, or Mixed Analytics’ own API Connector for Google Sheets.