How to render a rich text field in HTML?

How to render a rich text field in HTML?

You can customize the HTML output by passing an HTML serializer to the RichText.render method. You can learn more about this on the HTML Serializer page. The RichText.asText method will convert and output the text in the Rich Text / Title field as a string. Here is an example that outputs the Rich Text content as plain text.

What does rich text mean in contentful JS?

Rich text is a new JSON format for handling complex content structures in a strongly typed manner. It is represented by the rich text field in Contentful. Working with a rich text property in Contentful JS SDKs Install the contentful SDK and rich text html renderer:

How to render rich text with contentful SDK?

Contentful offers many tools to help you work with our Rich Text feature. This guide is meant to help put the pieces together and provide resources for learning more. It focuses majorly on Contentful’s SDK, rich-text-html-renderer, and rich-text-react-renderer to render your Rich Text fields with HTML.

Where do I find the rich text editor?

In the Content Type Builder page, add the Rich Text Editor (RTE) field to it. In the Edit Properties section of the RTE field, under Editor Version, select Latest. Under the Editor Type, select Custom, and choose the formatting options you want to include in the RTE field.

Although you are declaring the div to have a class equal to “uiOutputRichText”, the process of compiling component markup to html isn’t hooked into class names, but into declaring the right xml namespace and tag:

How to show Rich Text values in HTML Visualforce?

We use inputFields and inputText to get the information from the users. 2. Once It is clicked on Save , isEditMode becomes False and Now you render the Page to show the 2nd part of the code which takes the ID of the above created case and shows everything with OutPut FIeld and OutPutLabel.

How to render rich text in Visualforce Lightning?

In the component as before I am even trying to fling in an escape = false attribute but isnt doing the trick. (If this was visualforce Id use the escaped= false attribute on apex:output text but that doesnt seem to be availbe here).