How to create chatter group for customer community users?

How to create chatter group for customer community users?

Of course, make sure your users’ profiles and permissions have access to Chatter, if they don’t already. Logged into your Community as a system administrator, navigate to the Group Detail page for your new group and in the “Manage Members” section, add your internal and external users.

Can a person not be a member of a chatter group?

Only the members of the group can post, comment, and add files. People who are not members can see the group’s picture and description but not the group feed or files. If the group allows external users, like customers, to join, the group owner or manager must invite them.

What’s the best way to collaborate in chatter?

Create public and private groups. Groups are the main collaboration space in Chatter. You can organize a group around a project and add all project participants to it. Members use the group feed to exchange information, process a decision, and ask and answer questions.

How to enable unlisted groups in chatter settings?

In the Setup Quick Find box, enter Chatter Settings, click Chatter Settings, and then click Edit . Allow Records in Groups (1) is likely selected by default; if it isn’t, select it. Select to enable unlisted groups (2).

Publish your changes. Logged into the Community as a system administrator, go to your new Group List and click “New” to create your new Chatter group. DON’T click “Allow customers” because you will just get an error. Choose whether it’s private or public and save.

Where does the chatter publisher appear on my profile?

The Chatter publisher appears not only on your profile page, but also on the Home tab, Chatter tab, and group and record detail pages. Users can post updates, attach a file or a link, publish a poll, or ask a question.

What do you see when you follow people on Chatter?

You can follow people, groups, topics, files, and records, like opportunities and accounts. When you follow people, you see their posts, comments, and likes in your What I Follow feed. People can follow each other independent of their teams, which helps collaboration across functional borders.

How to make your chatter profile more personal?

Everyone in your organization has a Chatter profile that they can customize with a photo, their contact information, and a personal overview. Initially, a profile page is a blank canvas. Encourage your users to personalize their profiles. For example, have them add a realistic profile picture and some information about themselves.

Where do I Find my chatter groups in Salesforce?

Open the Chatter tab and click Groups on the left, or click the Groups tab. Now you’re in the Groups list view.