How do I view the attachment object in Salesforce?

How do I view the attachment object in Salesforce?

To do this, click on Setup, open the Object Manager and select the Object you’ll be using. From the left panel, select Page Layouts. Click on the Related Lists section and drag the Notes & Attachments Related List into the Page Layout if it is not already there. Save the Page Layout.

How do I use an Attachment object in Salesforce?

Create an Attachment If your form contains a file upload field, you can attach the uploaded files to most Salesforce objects by creating a dependent Attachment object. Create the parent object for the Attachment object. Click the Add an Object dependent on button, and select the Attachment object from the list.

How to include notes in a custom object?

So what’s the correct way to include notes that have been added to a record in my Custom Object ( Request_for_System_Change__c )? You have to use the correct Relationship Name ( Notes ). Also you don’t need to check for parentId condition again in the inner query..

What is the right way to query all notes and attachments?

The classic Note and Attachment records have a single polymorphic lookup to the record to which they’re attached. You can query them simply: In the Lightning world of Content, the object model is quite a bit more complex. Both Notes and Attachments are represented as ContentDocument, a parent object over potentially multiple ContentVersion records.

Are there different types of notes and attachments?

There’s a total of four kinds of note and attachment object you might be seeing on your objects, and they’re queried in different ways. will get you data on your old-style Attachments. These work just like Attachments, but with a different sObject: Content Notes are the new-style “Enhanced Notes”.

How are notes and attachments represented in Microsoft Office?

Both Notes and Attachments are represented as ContentDocument, a parent object over potentially multiple ContentVersion records. The ContentDocument is then linked to all of the locations in which it’s been shared, which may be many, via ContentDocumentLink.