Can two certificates have the same serial number?

Can two certificates have the same serial number?

So serial number alone can’t be used as a unique ID of the certificate — certificates from different CAs can have the same serial number. You need to store combination of Issuer and SerialNumber properties.

How do I combine root and intermediate certificates?

To combine them, simply copy the contents inside of the root certificate and paste it into a new line at the bottom of the intermediate certificate file. Once this is done, click File -> Save As and save this new bundle file and ensure to add ‘. crt’ without the quotes at the end of the new filename.

What is the purpose of intermediate certificate?

An intermediate certificate is a subordinate certificate issued by the trusted root certificate authority and provided to certificate providers to give them the authority to issue end-entity (SSL) server certificates.

What is the difference between serial number and certificate number?

What is the certificate number on the 10th mark sheet? One is the Serial number, and the other is the enrollment number. The serial number is composed on the upper left corner of the mark sheet, and the enlistment number is composed on the upper right corner of the mark sheet.

How does an intermediate certificate work in a root CA?

An Intermediate Certificate is a subordinate certificate issued by a Root certificate authority for the purpose of issuing certificates. This creates a certificate chain that begins in the Root CA, through the intermediate and ending in the issued certificate. This establishes a chain of trust that can verify the validity of a certificate.

What’s the difference between a cross signed certificate and a root certificate?

For a given time, that CA does business through a cross-signed intermediate certificate, issued by an already trusted CA. A cross-certificate is a digital certificate issued by one CA that is used to sign the public key for the root certificate of another CA.

What are root and intermediate SSL certificates and where to download them?

This article explains what root and intermediate SSL certificates are, and where to download them. What are root certificates?

Where to find intermediate CA certificate in OpenSSL?

In /root/ca/intermediate/certs, int.DOMAINNAME.crt.pem is the Intermediate CA certificate. In /root/ca/intermediate/certs, chain.DOMAINNAME.crt.pem is the concatenation of the Root CA certificate and the Intermediate CA certificate.