What is KbdInteractiveAuthentication?

What is KbdInteractiveAuthentication?

KbdInteractiveAuthentication Specifies whether to allow keyboard-interactive authentication. The argument to this keyword must be yes or no. The default is to use whatever value ChallengeResponseAuthentication is set to (by default yes).

What is etc ssh sshd_ config?

The /etc/ssh/sshd_config file is the system-wide configuration file for OpenSSH which allows you to set options that modify the operation of the daemon. This file contains keyword-value pairs, one per line, with keywords being case insensitive.

What is PermitRootLogin?

PermitRootLogin. Specifies whether root can log in using ssh(1). The argument must be “yes”, “without-password”, “forced-commands-only”, or “no”. The default is “yes”. If this option is set to “without-password”, password authentication is disabled for root.

What is UsePAM ssh?

UsePAM. Enables the Pluggable Authentication Module interface. If set to “yes” this will enable PAM authentication using ChallengeResponseAuthentication and PasswordAuthentication in addition to PAM account and session module processing for all authentication types.

Where is the Sshd_config file?

Usually this file is /etc/ssh/sshd_config , but the location can be changed using the -f command line option when starting sshd.

Can we change SSH port?

Procedure to change the SSH Port for Linux or Unix Server Open the terminal application and connect to your server via SSH. Locate sshd_config file by typing the find command. Edit the sshd server file and set Port option. Restart the sshd service to change the ssh port in Linux.

What is the default sshd_config?

The default is 3600 (seconds). If port is not specified, sshd will listen on the address and all prior Port options specified. The default is to listen on all local addresses. Multiple ListenAddress options are permitted.

How do you harden OpenSSH?

How to Secure and Harden OpenSSH Server

  1. Setup SSH Passwordless Authentication.
  2. Disable User SSH Passwordless Connection Requests.
  3. Disable SSH Root Logins.
  4. Use SSH Protocol 2.
  5. Set SSH Connection Timeout Idle Value.
  6. Limit SSH Access to Certain Users.
  7. Configure a Limit for Password Attempts.