How do I generate a CSR code on a Windows server?

How do I generate a CSR code on a Windows server?

To create a CSR on Windows Server:

  1. Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Servicess (IIS) Manager.
  2. Select the server name from the left-side panel.
  3. In the center panel, double-click Server Certificates.
  4. In the Actions menu from the right-side, click Create Certificate Request.

How do I generate a CSR for multiple domains in IIS?

Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

  1. Step #1: Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and click on the name of the server in the connections column on the left and double-click on “Server Certificates”.
  2. Step #2: Go to the right in the Actions column, click on “Create Certificate Request”.

How do I generate a CSR?

How to Generate a CSR for Microsoft IIS 8 1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager 2. Select the server where you want to generate the certificate 3. Navigate to Server Certificates 4. Select Create a New Certificate 5. Enter your CSR details 6. Select a cryptographic service provider and bit length 7. Save the CSR 8. Generate the Order

How do I generate a CSR key?

How to Generate a CSR for Nginx (OpenSSL) Log in to your server’s terminal. You will want to log in via Secure Shell (SSH). Enter CSR and Private Key command. Note: Replace “server ” with the domain name you intend to secure. Enter your CSR details. Generate the order.

How to generate a CSR request?

Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in Windows IIS 10 Start IIS Manager. Start IIS Manager. Open Server Certificates. Double-click the Server Certificates icon, located under IIS in the center pane of the window. Click “Create Certificate Request.”. Enter Distinguished Name Properties. Set Cryptographic Service Provider Properties. Create file name and finish.

How can I generate a CSR using OpenSSL?

Install OpenSSL on your Windows PC 1.1. Click Here and navigate to the Third Party OpenSSL Related Binary Distributions table.

  • OpenSSL Configuration Steps 2.1. Open Cmd (Windows command line).
  • Generate the CSR Code