How to make a RESTful API call to SharePoint 2013?

How to make a RESTful API call to SharePoint 2013?

I knew how to make a RESTful API call to SharePoint 2013 OnLine from SharePoint APP ( Provided-Host App ). Like get List from Site. There are already many samples in here. Because the TokenHelper can handle the OAuth authentication for the APP.

How to call REST API from a console application?

How to call REST API from a console application? How to call REST API from a console application? The response from my REST service will be XML format. I want to call the same method in console application.

How to complete basic operations using SharePoint rest endpoints?

For a sample that shows you how to do many of these operations in the context of an ASP.NET web application written in C#, see SharePoint-Add-in-REST-OData-BasicDataOperations. For information about the sets of APIs available on the SharePoint platform, see Choose the right API set in SharePoint.

How does the rest interface work in SharePoint?

You can perform basic create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations by using the Representational State Transfer (REST) interface provided by SharePoint. The REST interface exposes all the SharePoint entities and operations that are available in the other SharePoint client APIs.

How to use the rest service in SharePoint?

The first two specify sorting in ascending order and the third one descending order. Simply you can use ‘$orderby’ parameter and provide the field name. REST service will return sorted list items in response.

How to read data with SharePoint 2013 REST interface?

For examples of C# and JavaScript code that do this, see the “Reading data with the SharePoint 2013 REST interface” section of the MSDN Library article, “How to: Complete basic operations using SharePoint 2013 REST endpoints” ( ).

How to create an HTTP request in SharePoint?

As a parameter to this method you pass the information it needs to construct an HTTP request to the REST service.