How do I publish multiple projects in one solution?

How do I publish multiple projects in one solution?

Follow by these steps:

  1. Publish the main project. When deploy the main project, just use the default is ok.
  2. set the virtual directory. We all know web app will be deploy to site\wwwrootby default, so lets create a sub directory under this to deploy the new project.
  3. deploy other project under the same website.

Why are there multiple projects in one solution?

If you only ever have one application, than one project is fine. Most of the time you will have multiple applications, so by having multiple projects you can reuse components between the applications without having to do hacky things like sharing source files.

How do I run multiple projects in VS?

Open Visual Studio and go to Solution Explorer.

  1. Click on properties.
  2. By default single project is set as startup project.
  3. Select multiple project option and change project status to start which needs to be started.
  4. Run the application, you will see two projects loading in browser.
  5. Hope this helps you.

How do I add a project to an existing solution?

To add an existing project to a solution

  1. In Solution Explorer, select the solution.
  2. On the File menu, point to Add, and click Existing Project.
  3. In the Add Existing Project dialog box, locate the project you want to add, select the project file, and then click Open. The project is added to the selected solution.

How do I merge two projects in VB net?

2 Answers

  1. Right click on your Solution.
  2. go down to Add.
  3. select Existing Project.
  4. This will pop up a windows browser window, you will need to navigate to the place that you have the files saved, then click Open.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for all subsequent items.

How to deploy solution with two projects to Azure App service?

I am trying to minimize the cost of running my web app in Azure App Service. I have a Visual Studio 2017 solution with two Web Projects: Web and API (both .NET Core). The entire solution is part of a single GitHub Repo. Before adding the API project, the build and deployment to Azure App Service was automated.

Can you merge multiple projects into one solution?

Just beware of the cases where many developers add new projects at the same time: merging the .sln file is not the easiest thing to do. I would still migrate everything into a single solution. This reduces enormously the pain of broken dependencies, and this benefit alone is totally worth it.

Can you work on more than one project in Visual Studio?

I can also work on two weakly-related projects, and still have just one Visual Studio window opened. I would also study a bit more NuGet and the ability to host a private NuGet server.

Why are there so many solutions in Visual Studio?

Originally, we had dozens of solutions. Some projects from a solution reused projects from another one, and nobody cared about using a package manager. The day you substantially change a project which is used nearly everywhere, expect hours and hours of lost work for the entire company for the next days or weeks.