What detach function media library?

What detach function media library?

Find the media you would like to detach from a post or page within the list. Verify under the “Uploaded to” column that the media is attached to the post or page. Directly below the name of the post or page it should say “Detach”. Click on “Detach”.

How do I find unattached images in WordPress?

Attached and Unattached Images in WordPress Simply go to Media » Library and see all the images. In the list view, it will also show you that which image is attached to which page or post. Images that are not used in any of the WordPress page or post will display as unattached in this option.

How do I delete unattached images in WordPress?

Click on Media > Library and you should see an option called Unattached in the first dropdown list. Choose that, bulk-select images and delete them.

How do I delete unused images in WordPress?

Once you have selected all the unused images you want to delete from your site, scroll down and either choose “Move selected images to trash” or “Delete the selection permanently”. WP-Optimise will then delete all copies of the selected image file plus any record in the Media Library.

Is it safe to delete unattached images in WordPress?

Be extra cautious when deleting Unattached images unless you are completely certain none of them are being used in posts or pages. Depending on how many images you are deleting, you may have to repeat this procedure a few times and you may get an error, but your images are being deleted in the background.

What is media library in WordPress?

Media is a tab in your WordPress admin sidebar which is used to manage user uploads (images, audio, video, and other files). The first screen Library lists all the files in the media library. These files can be edited and deleted from the library. The second screen is Add New, which allows users to upload files.

How do I get rid of unused media in WordPress?